

Reiki I Class and Attune- men t, 11am-12:30pm. Become a Reiki I healer in this very informational class from Uma Alexandra Beepat! Learn to work on yourself for physical ailments, emotional wounds and spiritual issues. As a Reiki I healer, you become attuned to the Reiki energy and your world expands with the limitless possibilities of the universal energy working through you. In this class learn: the five Reiki principles; meaning of Reiki and how it works; the process of ceremonial attunements; the history of Reiki and your lineage; and how to use the 12 step Reiki self healing process in daily practice. The Lotus and The Light Metaphysical Center, Manassas, VA. www.eventbrite. com/e/984115424727?aff=oddt - dtcreator Reiki II Class and Attune- men t, 1-4pm. As a Reiki II healer, you delve deeper into the mystical world of Reiki. This level is called Okuden and means ‘Inner Teaching’ as you start to understand the workings of the Universe on a more intimate and personal level. In this class

you learn three of the four Reiki symbols, their uses, how to draw and activate them and their meanings; plus learn about long distance healing, healing in the past and future, and beaming and scanning.With Uma Alex- andra Beepat, at The Lotus and The Light Metaphysical Center, Manassas, VA. www.eventbrite. com/e/998787158277?aff=oddt - dtcreator — 8 — Past-Life Regression Work- shop , 1:30-3pm. Past-life regressions are a useful tool for self-exploration to take a journey into your subconscious, where possibilities abound. Past lives, between-lives, and/or meetings with guides have been some of the more common experiences reported. Venturing into deeper states of consciousness opens the doors to profound spiritu- al connections. Join us as we uncover parts of ourselves that can help us heal, transform, and fulfill our souls’ desires. Host - ed by Mariposa Life Coaching & Hypnosis at The Pearl Spa, Columbia, MD. https://maripos -

SEPTEMBER Have an event to promote? Calendar listings are just $5 per list- ing, and accepted any time to run online. Submit listings online at: — 7 — Stay educated, enlightened and engaged all season long with these offerings from the Pathways Community. To see these events and more, visit our interactive ONLINE CALENDAR up- dated regularly throughout the quarter. Be sure to tell them you saw them in Pathways!

Ketamine Assisted Psy- chotherapy Small Group Retreat. Take a break from the pressures of everyday life and engage fully in your healing journey during our ketamine assisted psychotherapy small group retreat. Retreat includes: a 3-4 hour onsite medicine session featuring specialized topics and/or elements (breath work, movement, art therapy, IFS meditations) and a follow-up integration session (virtual). Run by 2-3 of Del Ray Psych & Wellness psychedelic, somatic, and trauma-informed clinicians who foster a safe and support- ive environment for individual and collective growth; hosted at Wellness Junction, Alexandria, VA. Additional fall dates: 10/26, 11/9. More information and to register: events.

— 1 — New Moon Medicine Mak- ing: Virgo & Oatstraw , 6:30-8pm. Set your intentions for the new moon in Virgo and transmute those intentions into herbal medicine-making and self-care techniques! This month, we will learn how to support our nervous system with oats and make an alcohol tincture using the folk method. At Vital Traditions, College Park, MD. new-moon-medicine-mak- ing-series-virgo-oatstraw-tick- ets-936493044907?aff=oddtdt - creator

PATHWAYS—Fall 24—51

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