

Cannabis 101, every 3rd Saturday monthly from 2pm- 4pm, presented by Cannabis Karma & Lifeluxee. It’s a won - derful opportunity to learn about Cannabis therapy and CBD as an alternative medicine. Learn about your Endocannabinoid system. Ask questions? We pro - mote #plantbased healing ideas. Hempstress onsite for sampling. Hemp kettle tea provided onsite. LifeLuxee, 825 Upshur St NW, Washington, DC 20011. www. Drumming of Healing. Drum for healing, for skills, and for fun every Saturday 3-4pm at Smile Herb Shop. Kofi Nana Frimpong hosts this immer- sion into Ghanaian and West African drumming techniques, infused with his own person- al passion for drumming as a means of physical and spiritual healing. No experience required. Drums are provided. Kids

exercise will help with these decisions. Join us for this unique online workshop from 1-2pm to help you focus on WHERE TO BEGIN! Hosted by Joyce Kir - shenbaum, Certified Health & Life Coach; www.mybestmidlife. com. — 9 — 11/9-10, 25th Annual Festival of Light , 10am-5pm. This 2-day Psychic Fair and Alternative Healing Expo features over 70 vendors. Astrology, crystal work, Tarot, energy work, shamanism, essential oils, reflexology, cyma sound, quantum analysis and more. At The Ice House, Berke - ley Springs, WV. www.facebook. com/festivaloflightberke - leysprings. — 14 — 11/4-14 Foundations in Herb- alism Certificate Program, South Caribbean of Costa Rica . This program focuses on building a solid foundation

in herbalism and the skills learned can be utilized globally. Although working practically with the local abundant trop- ical herbs, what you learn will translate back to your respec- tive bioregion. Our immersion program provides a strong foundation in folk food herbal medicine, and includes balance between field studies to local Black and Indigenous tradition - al herbalists and farms, classes at our center, and time spent exploring plants with amazing local and immigrated teachers. Foundational classes taught by Molly Meehan Brown, founder of Wild Ginger Herbal Center. More info and to register: www. foundations-in-herbalism-certif- icate-program-in-costa-rica.html UPCOMING Beginning Mediumship Workshop, 4 Sundays Via Zoom. Open up your natural

ability to communicate with the spirit world. Learn the fundamentals of mediumship, experience spirit contact, learn how to nurture your gift and protect yourself with Konstanza Morning Star, Certified Medium, Spiritualist Teacher and Au- thor. Four Weekend Mornings from 9:30am-12:30pm EDT on January 11, 18, 25, and Feb. 1, 2025. More info: Konstanza Morning Star, 240-543-9414; beginning-mediumship ONGOING A Course in Miracles Zoom Based Study Group, meet- ing each Wednesday evening from 7pm - 8:30pm EST. All are welcomed. Contact Tammy Batcha for more information:; 540- 550-1971.

Join us for an ECKANKAR Soul Adventure in your local area: MD: VA:

PATHWAYS—Fall 24—55

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