
GREEN NEWS & VIEWS Inextricability

does not wane, those programs will continue. Some, perhaps many, avowed environmentalists spend more ener- gy focused on what other people are doing or not doing that damages the planet, than on doing something about the environment. Because of the crises cropping up on so many different fronts, this is critical work. Again, it is only sustainable so long as reinforcements continue to show up. Truly, we all need to take a stand against the violators, big and small. We respond with passion to our heart-call to engage in sacred ac- tivism – spiritually grounded social activism. The intention of sacred activism is to create a world that works for all, not just a select few. This form of activism is compassion-in-action “born of a fusion of deep spiritual knowledge, courage, love, and passion, with wise radi- cal action in the world.” Our stand must include empowering those who feel diminished – whose voices have been obscured, minds boggled and rights stripped away. We must respond to the clarion call to reveal accuracy in com- munication and to draw critical attention to unacceptable actions or behavior. Fifty years ago, philosopher Hannah Arendt declared, “This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore. A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, are, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies.” At this time in history, it is paramount we heed her words. I am inviting people to address the crisis at the systemic level. We need to dig deep and address the consciousness allowing the contami- nation of our minds and environment as well as fostering and nurtur- ing it. We live in a “throw away society,” one that condones a dispos- able mentality resulting in general malaise and laziness that insult our environment daily, even in the most ordinary ways. And the big violators must be called out! We know we must take a clear stand for stopping the harm they are perpetrating. Stopping so-called powerful individuals and organizations can feel so huge our feelings of inadequacy arise. Rather than remaining in a state of pa- ralysis, I choose to turn to what I/we can do. By releasing the sense of overwhelm on a huge scale, we have more energy to devote to what we can do. To start, we can stop finger-pointing and blaming and use

BY REV. DR. TRISH HALL Isn’t “inextricability” (incapable of being disentangled), a great word? Simply, we cannot get away from one another. The effects any of us have, whether on the environment or in all other aspects of day- to-day living, affect everyone and everything directly and indirectly. What we do turns back on all of us. In the Judeo-Christian Bible, Cane asks, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”, the answer is “Yes!” We are our brothers’ keepers… and our sisters’ and mothers’ and fathers’ keep - ers and our friends’, neighbors’ and strangers’ and our environment. Everything each of us does impacts everyone, just some more than others. What I am proposing is simple yet I do not claim it will be easy, although it could be. Since we are inextricably entangled in everyone else, the way forward is a massive shift of consciousness — a shift at the systemic level that declares in words, and more importantly in ac- tions, that we care. We care about the environment. We care about one another. We care about the world we are leaving to our offspring. Sim - ply, WE CARE! Some who declare this approach is not simple, may even claim it is impossible. Believing all things are possible, I don’t accept that perspective. I am confident it is possible and sustainable! And attainment of sustainability requires the commitment and follow through of each person who cares! There are millions of people and myriad programs doing great works, and as long as their commitment and energy hold out, they are sustainable. Fortunately, dedicated new recruits come along and step in when those in the trenches fatigue. They are valiant, amazing people. I laud and applaud them. So long as the supply of new people


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