

that energy to join with others to pick up (literally and figuratively) after the thought-less members of society before we drown in others’ garbage and the despair of wasted gifts and talents. There is always something each one of us can do to change the world and help heal the planet. A shift of consciousness is required for us to switch to a truly sus- tainable solution. There are valiant souls who are already taking this approach, and there are those who complain but do not act. To be sustainable, it is critical for us to embrace a “both/and” approach. There are those who educate about the fragility of our environment. Often, they and their students are the ones picking up after the con- taminators. It requires a shift in consciousness from “Why should I pick up after someone else,” to “It pleases me to have a pleasant en- vironment, so I’ll pick it up.” It calls us to commit to events like river and park clean ups, and even closer to home, like the trash in front of the neighbor’s house. This is where “inextricability” comes in. We cannot be separated from one another — our beings cannot be disentangled. The indigenous peoples around the world have always known and taught their offspring we are inseparable from our environment and from one another. Traditionally, they honor Oneness — they honor Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants. We are our brothers’, sis - ters’, mothers’, fathers’ and strangers’ keepers. Whether we like it or not, we are responsible for one another. Let’s remind ourselves we are all spiritual beings. Brene Brown defines spirituality as “recognizing and celebrating that we are all inextrica - bly connected to each other by a power greater than all of us, and that our connection to that power and to one another is grounded in love and compassion. Practicing spirituality brings a sense of perspective, meaning, and purpose to our lives.” When we immerse ourselves in the awareness of Oneness, taking care of our planet and its inhabitants is no longer a burdensome re- sponsibility. It becomes a celebration of interconnectedness and an opportunity to uplift the awareness of others. It is our opportunity until others learn and embrace their responsibility. The big question then becomes, “How are we to shift the consciousness of the world?” When I phrase it that way, it does feel immense and overwhelming. Let’s “chunk it down to bite size pieces.” As Jana Stanfield declares in her song, “All the Good”, “I cannot do all the good the world needs, but the world needs all the good I can do.” We each must ask ourselves, “What small thing can I do?” and

then do it consistently so it grows. One of the easiest things is to em- brace the concept of being an “exemplar” — a person serving as a typi- cal example or excellent model. People learn by observation. When we are each an observable example of how we value and care for Mother Nature, we are teaching others how they, too, can change the world for the better. Whether they like it or not, we have then influenced their choices and behavior. They are different simply by being exposed to us. The ultimate result is a shift of their consciousness. So ask yourself, “If not me, who? If not now, when? Embrace Margaret Mead’s admonition: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Let’s change the world starting right now! Trish Hall is an international best-selling author and acclaimed speaker. She is the Spiritual Leader of Center for Spiritual Living Metro (; we come together in Oneness, celebrate the uniqueness of each person, and invite you to “be you with us!” Hall is also the founder of Way 2 Peace, a grassroots, not-for-profit associa - tion of people around the world, who are committed to attaining and sustaining peace for everyone, everywhere. (

Written by Ciara

Change your perspectives in the way you view life, end of life, and death to become empowered to live an intentional and aware life

My name is Ciara O’Brien, and I specialize in crafting authentic, SEO-optimized content that amplifies the voices of ethical brands. From engaging blog posts to captivating social media content, I create narratives that resonate with your audience and reflect your commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. Check out my portfolio to see learn more about how I can help your brand shine and make a positive impact.

Hemali is a holistic Physical Therapist, Author, Speaker, Intuitive Quantum Energy Healer, Akashic Records Reader, Reiki Master Teacher, Channel, Spiritual Mentor and Death Doula. She is a Life and Death Coach. Hemali Teaches and certifies in Reiki Level 1, 2, Advance, Master and Karuna Reiki. Facilitates International Retreats. Hemali offers one-on-one and group sessions in her studio and virtually.

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