

gressive political action committee focused on mobilizing young voters on issues like climate change, reproductive rights, and racial justice. How to Use: Join volunteer efforts, participate in digital campaigns, and access tools to help mobilize your peers. 7. Sunrise Movement ( — A youth- led organization focused on stopping climate change and creating millions of good-paying jobs in the process. How to Use: Join local Sunrise hubs, participate in climate strikes and campaigns, and en- gage in advocacy for green policies and candidates who support cli- mate justice. 8. HeadCount ( — A non-partisan organi - zation that works with musicians to promote participation in democ - racy. How to Use: Register to vote at concerts, join volunteer teams, and participate in music-driven voter registration drives. Photo (right): HEADCOUNT volunteers register voters at the Governors Ball Music Festival. Source: Ciara O’Brien is a freelance writer from Bowie, MD. She loves writ - ing about sustainable farming, equitable food access, and the state of our food system today. When she’s not writing, you can find her tending to her garden, teaching Yoga, or going on long walks with her choco - late lab, Hershey. See more of her work at

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