

Konstanza Morning Star Certified Medium & Shaman Author of Medium: A Step-by-Step Guide to Communicating with the Spirit World

Hypertension... ...continued from page 33

also use additional points based on the patient’s symptoms and the practitioner’s clinical experience. Some of the key acupuncture pat - terns and points used include: Liver-Kidney Disharmony Pattern; Qi and Blood Stagnation Pattern; Yang Hyperactivity Pattern; Yin Defi - ciency Pattern; and the Qi and Blood Deficiency Pattern. With respect to TCM, there are some commonly used Chinese herbs for hypertension. These herbs are often combined in formulas based on the individual’s specific pattern of imbalance and symptoms. Like supplements, they work to improve circulation, reduce fluid re - tention and oxidative stress, boost cardiovascular health, and assist with regulating blood pressure. Some of the most commonly admin- istered herbs include: Salvia (Danshen); Uncaria (Gou Teng); Gas - trodia (Tianma); Hawthorn (Shanzha); Chrysanthemum (Juhua); and Eucommia (Du Zhong). It’s important to consult with a qualified Tra - ditional Chinese Medicine practitioner who can provide a personal - ized herbal prescription. The World Health Organization considers hypertension a major cause of premature death worldwide as of their 2023 reporting ; and as of the Centers for Disease Control’s 2020 reporting , as much as 48% of adults in the U.S. have hypertension. Considering this statis - tic doesn’t take the pandemic years into account, that figure is likely higher. Therefore, it’s imperative we increase our understanding of the condition, especially how to recognize and treat it. The functional medicine approach emphasizes the individual’s unique needs, genetics, and underlying imbalances to develop tailored treatment plans. And with the possible support of alternative methods such as acupuncture and TCM, sufferers of hypertension have many ways to turn for help with getting high blood pressure under control and/or eliminated. Helena Amos, M.Ac., L.Ac., is a licensed acupuncturist, European physician and Functional Medicine (FM) practitioner with 30+ years of clinical experience. She combines modern FM with Traditional

Evidential Mediumship Readings Mediumship Workshops, Circles, Teleclasses Soul Retrieval, Shamanic Healing, Spirit Release Available via phone, Zoom, Skype, Face-to-Face 240-543-9414

Oriental Medicine, as well as provides the BioSET protocols, Bio - meridian assessments, and treatments using natural, safe herbal and nutritional approaches for individualized care. She is Founder/Own - er of the Acupuncture and Natural Medicine Clinic in Rockville, MD, and is available for free 20-minute in-office and telehealth consulta- tions. Visit rockvillea - for appointments and to see her list of services offered and conditions treated.

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PATHWAYS—Fall 24—77

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