


“In Bloom” is about how women are often seen and not heard, how we rebel against this, and that our voices must be heard as the flow - ers wilt. Artist Statement: Singh’s work is a conscious integration of her feminine energy, en - counters and heritage. She strives to create an amalgam of her expe- riences and dreams, providing a visual dichotomy between the raw emotions of her reality and her tender compassion towards humanity. Her goal as an artist isn’t to make pretty pictures, but instead to have the viewer get a glimpse through her eyes as she documents the world around her. Energy is but raw materials in which to create realities and intentions. Tarah Singh is a Guyanese-American artist who was born in Wash- ington DC, although raised between Teaneck, NJ, and Western North Carolina where she currently resides. Singh spent her high school summer years with her aunt at Howard University. Tarah is a multi-faceted artist, clothing designer of the #Human brand, stylist, consultant, chef, and experience creator and painter through her primary business, Tarah Singh ( As a visionary creative, she works in various media to communicate with the world around her. She often states that “words are NOT her medium”; rather, she relies on brushstrokes, color, and textures in paintings or sculpture to initiate conversations with her audience. Currently, Tarah is working on a new somatic artistic experience for strengthening interpersonal exchanges and shifting one’s lens of re - ality. She is also the founder of Imprint Artists, a non-profit created to support artists in their creative process ( Tarah is dedicated to evaluating the human experience, improv- ing the condition of youth across the globe, and to uplifting other creatives. She strongly believes artists are historians, creative prob- lem solvers and experienced curators. Without a creator, nothing comes into existence. Tarah also offers classes and critiques. Contact her directly for additional information at Instagram: @tarahsingh_art

Spiritual Art– Art that Elevates

Contemporary & Universal Limited-Edition Flow Art Paintings on Canvas Inspired by Angels, Archangels & Ascended Masters

These channeled paintings support chakra balancing, enhance divine connection, bring inspiration and healing and higher vibrations from the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and my Angels and Guides. Create or enhance your vibration and the vibration of your sacred space in your home or work space. Harmonize within and around.

PATHWAYS—Fall 24—81

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