
431 S. Cascade Colorado Springs, Colo., 80903 PH: 719 - 447 - 4627 FX: 719 - 447 - 4631 Please contact the WPRA office for all correspondence regarding the WPRA News.

Jimmie Munroe WPRA President Ann Bleiker (719) 330-4293 ableiker@yahoo.com Managing Editor Paige Louis Thomas (719) 633-7700 paigeink@gmail.com Graphic Designer DD Deleo (719) 661-8793 deleo101@comcast.net Advertising Sales Allie Bohus Josie Fladager Tim Gentry Ted Harbin Joe Kusek Kristen M. White Contributing Writers WPRA Office (719) 447-4627 (877) 977-2462 Fax: (719) 447-4631 www.wpra.com



On the Cover : It has been a busy Holiday season with circuit finals rodeos from coast to coast. The Circuit System is vital to the rodeo industry and gives a chance for those that can’t travel full-time to compete on a big stage now known as the NFR Open in Colorado Springs, Colorado in July. The average and year-end winner from each circuit earn a spot and this year all circuits included breakaway roping as well. President Corner..............................................................................................6 In The News.......................................................................................................8 Inspiration.........................................................................................................8 Taking Care of Business..................................................................................9 2022 PRCA/WPRA Circuit Standings............................................................10 2022 PRCA/WPRA Circuit Standings............................................................11 Prairie Circuit: Barrels................................................................................... 12 Prairie Circuit: Breakaway............................................................................ 13 Badlands Circuit: Barrels.............................................................................. 14 Badlands Circuit: Breakaway....................................................................... 15 Mountain States Circuit: Barrels.................................................................. 16 Mountain States Circuit: Breakaway...........................................................17 Columbia River Circuit: Barrels.................................................................... 18 Columbia River Circuit: Breakaway............................................................. 19 Texas Circuit: Barrels.................................................................................... 20 Texas Circuit: Breakaway.............................................................................. 21 Turquoise Circuit: Barrels............................................................................. 24 Turquoise Circuit: Breakaway...................................................................... 25 Wilderness Circuit: Barrels........................................................................... 26 Wilderness Circuit: Breakaway.................................................................... 27 Southeastern Circuit: Barrels....................................................................... 30 Southeastern Circuit: Breakaway................................................................ 31 Great Lakes Circuit: Barrels.......................................................................... 32 Great Lakes Circuit: Breakaway................................................................... 33

WPRA News does not endorse and is not re- sponsible for the contents of any ad in this publication. Neither that information nor any opinion which may be expressed here constitutes a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any securities. Opinions expressed in letters to the editor and commentaries are those of the authors and not necessarily those of WPRA NEWS. WPRA News (ISSN 1093-9202) is pub- lished monthly by the Women’s Professional Rodeo Association. Subscriptions are $45 a year. Postmaster: Send address changes to WPRA News , 431 S. Cascade, Colorado Springs, Colo., 80903 WPRA News is designed to provide cur- rent news and results to the members of the WPRA and WPRA All-Women Rodeo. Direct all editorial and advertising corre- spondence to WPRA News , 431 S. Cascade, Colorado Springs, Colo., 80903 Trademark 2017 WPRA NEWS Published by the Women’s Professional Rodeo Association Printed, produced and read in the U.S.A.


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