Thinking Matters 2017


There are many competitions and challenges available each year in Mathematics, ranging from those set internally to nationwide. Every year between 150 and 200 boys take part in each of the Junior, Intermediate and Senior Mathematical Challenges, with a high number of boys qualifying for the follow- on rounds. ‘I found the Junior Maths Challenge demanding and made me approach these questions from different angles.’ Stephen Liu, Year 9

Hans Woyda Plate winners.

test which consists of several worded problems. I thoroughly enjoyed participating in the challenge this year as it upgraded my level of thinking and taught me to search for my own route to solutions.’ Paul Kottering, Year 13 Last year a team of four Upper School boys won the regional final of the UK Senior Maths Team Challenge, and a team of four from across the year groups won the plate competition of the Hans Woyda competition. This year two Upper School boys have just been awarded first and second prizes for their solutions to some of the Mathematical Gazette students’ problems. We also run our own termly Middle School competition and Christmaths Lower School competition in December. ‘Being a member of the Hans Woyda team is a unique experience. Time limits, tight scorelines and one-on-one situations blend

Creating Dragon Curve.

‘Problem solving using simple intuition, as opposed to pre-learned methods and techniques, is a highly valuable and important skill. We are required to problem solve in all situations and levels in our life. Mathematical thinking is based around forging different paths to arrive at a solution. These skills are developed in the Senior Kangaroo Challenge, an aptitude


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