Thinking Matters 2017

policies, developed by Thaler & Sunstein, are the ultimate solution? But how effective are they? Maybe something more forceful is needed, such as Australia’s compulsory voting system, which has led to a considerably higher turnout. The effectiveness and ethical propriety behind the best solution is debatable and unclear. Understanding how these policies work may help us decide how best to boost voter turnout.

The purpose of the investigation was to put to the test the claimed antibacterial properties of naturally derived substances that have in the past or present been used as microbicides. This was particularly relevant with regards to the antibiotic crisis that is looming as a result of growing resistance among bacteria to conventional antibiotics. We used in vitro methods based on growing E.coli mediums in agar plates and made use of aseptic techniques. Our results confirmed that each of the six substances had the effect of inhibiting the bacteria’s growth. However, none performed as effectively as the positive control penicillin.

Kit George ‘Constructing a contactless calliper’.

I investigate whether it is possible to build a device to simultaneously measure the thickness and refractive index of a sheet of glass. I derive through trigonometry that it is possible if you know the perpendicular displacements of two beams at different known angles. I build a device to measure such angles by rotating a laser across three LDRs. There are issues with the device’s measurements: I analyse the distribution of angle errors, and attempt to refine the method to take such variation into account. I discuss where these errors arise from, and whether such a device could be more accurate if built with proper materials and industrial methods. Adam Sheriff ‘Investigating the antibacterial properties of six natural substances’.

Oxbridge tutorials In the Michaelmas term of Year 13, all Oxbridge applicants for Humanities subjects have not only practice interviews; they also have a one-to-one tutorial, normally based on their extended essay. The idea is to give pupils an idea of what an Oxford tutorial or a Cambridge supervision is actually like. On top of that, the tutorial is good practice for the essential, intellectual aspect of an Oxbridge interview.


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