Welcome to DUCKS An introduction for parents 2021

An A to Z of DUCKS

Parents’ Meetings In the Kindergarten, parents/carers are invited in to meet their child’s key person to discuss their child’s progress either face to face or online. In this meeting we look at each child’s learning journey and discuss their development and learning. In the Infants’ School, parents’ meetings are a time when you can meet the class teacher to discuss your child’s progress and attainment. The specialist teachers are also available to talk to Infants’ School parents/carers during these meetings. The dates and appointment request forms will be sent out via DUCKSPost. You will receive a written confirmation the week prior to the parents’ evening. Policies DUCKS and Dulwich College have policies and procedures that cover all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. Some of our policies are available on the DUCKS website www.dulwich.org.uk/ducks and you are welcome to request a paper copy from the School Office. In addition to our policies we also have the following forms: • Medication Request Form • Alternative Collection Arrangements Form These are available from the office or Kindergarten and Infants’ School reception areas.


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