An A to Z of DUCKS
Transition Through DUCKS We believe that all children should feel comfortable and as emotionally secure as possible when entering a new phase or year group at DUCKS. All staff aim to build on the work of the family and take steps to ensure that the child is valued as an individual within the setting. We understand that children enter school from a variety of backgrounds and settings and with a range of experiences. We welcome all children as individuals and will meet their needs accordingly. We value close links between practitioners and families as this ensures that children and their families know what to expect when starting a new phase. We aim for smooth transitions for each child from their home into DUCKS, between each room and moving into and throughout the Infants’ School. This is achieved through clear communication and information sharing during handover meetings and settling in visits. In addition home visits enable your child to begin to develop a relationship with their key person. Throughout the EYFS, information about a child’s learning journey is available to the staff in the next room or class and then later to KS 1 teachers. This ensures continuity in your child’s progress and supports smooth transitions. Transition from Baby Room through to the Nursery Class In the Baby Room we plan the settling in to be flexible and responsive to the individual baby and their parents/carers. When moving to the Toddler Room parents/carers will be formally introduced to the room and to their new key person. Children generally move from the Toddler Room to the Duckling Room with the same staff team so they maintain the relationship with their key person through their time in these rooms. The journey from the Duckling Room to the Nursery classes is a significant transition as the children are moving to ‘big school’. We aim for the children to have a gentle introduction to their new Nursery class through visits in small groups during the Summer Term. This allows each child the opportunity to play in their new environment and become familiar with the Nursery. The Duckling Room children have sessions with the Infants’ school PE and music teachers and visit the school library. They have other visits during the year to use the outside space and join in assemblies and productions. Nursery class teachers visit the Duckling Room to see children within the Kindergarten setting during the Summer Term and we also meet as a staff team to discuss the children’s individual needs. Parents/carers are sent letters informing them of which class their child will join in the Summer Term. Parents/carers and children are invited to a New Children’s Afternoon in the Infants’ School in the Summer Term. All of the above helps introduce children to the staff, the environment and bridges the transition facilitating a smooth settling in. Transition from Nursery to Reception to Year 1 and Year 2 (Key Stage 1) The transition from Nursery to Reception and Year 1 is a process rather than an event. Reception children visit the Key Stage 1 classes and playground weekly during the last half of the Summer Term and meet their new teachers. Parents are invited to meet their new teacher in the Summer Term. 26
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