Welcome to DUCKS An introduction for parents 2021

An A to Z of DUCKS

Website Our website provides you with a wealth of information both on the main web site and the password protected Parents’ Portal.

Main web site • News • Term dates • Policies

Parents’ Portal (password protected) • Photographs of events • Medication request form • Alternative collection arrangements DUCKS Website: www.dulwich.org.uk/ducks

Wellbeing The wellbeing of our children and parents is considered at every step of the way at DUCKS and we aim to build emotional intelligence and resilience through six strands: emotional health, spiritual health, physical health, living in a community, healthy living and preparation for the future. Each of these strands is integral to our day to day work with the children throughout the academic year. From settling in and transition visits to our key person system, assemblies, the use of Special Books and sticker reward books. Our focus on the children’s wellbeing is paramount and underpins all aspects of the curriculum. Wellbeing is further supported throughout DUCKS by our Golden Rules, our behaviour policy and in the Infants’ School during Circle time sessions covering topics such as getting to know you, choices and consequences and managing feelings. We offer a 4 and10 week parenting course providing parents with positive behavior management strategies based on those studied by the children.

This is scaffolded by four constructs: • Self-awareness and self esteem • Appropriate expectations • Empathy • Positive discipline

RULER At DUCKS we follow the RULER programme for explicitly teaching emotional literacy. Borne out of research from the Yale Centre for Emotional Intelligence, the programme teaches children the language they need to be able to Recognise, Understand, Label, Express and Regulate (RULER) their emotions.


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