Welcome to the EYFS
We have high expectations of the children. We promote children’s learning through planned experiences and activities that are challenging but achievable. Effective learning takes place through a relevant and meaningful curriculum, which takes into account children’s interests and builds on previous learning. The children learn from everything around them including the environment, routines (such as tidying), the ethos, the adults as role models and our high expectations of achievement. The classrooms are very well equipped and they are organised into specific areas of learning, for example, a construction area, role-play area and creative area. Wherever possible, resources are stored in a way that will give easy access to the children and equipment is clearly labelled. The EYFS learning environment is a busy and purposeful place in which children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning with adult guidance, support and encouragement. DUCKS is very fortunate to be surrounded by extensive playgrounds, gardens and fields. Children learn best when they are actively engaged and interested and they have long periods of time for uninterrupted, freely chosen play both indoors and outdoors. The outdoor area is easily accessible to the children for the majority of the day and is an extension of the classroom. Routines The Baby Room routine is flexible around your child’s home routine, especially in respect of sleep. The babies are given a wide variety of experiences during the day, including creative and messy play, both inside and out, as well as taking part in music sessions. The Toddler Room routine provides a slightly more structured day, but opportunities for children to rest or sleep during the day are still available at times that suit the individual. The many activities on offer allow children to make choices about what they engage in within small groups, alongside an adult both inside and outdoors. The Duckling Room is a gentle introduction into the routines of a school day. The children have a few timetabled sessions of PE, singing, visits to the Infants’ School Library and an introduction to musicianship through Colourstrings. The activities on offer are cross-curricular, providing the children with a range of opportunities to develop their pre-school skills through learning opportunities that they choose and are interested in. The Nursery and Reception routines are established early in the first term. The children come to the carpet for a whole class session at the start of the day. After this, they will engage in an adult or child-initiated activity, either indoors or outdoors. All children engage in an adult- initiated task on a daily basis. This will be planned according to the children’s interests and previous learning. Every aspect of the classroom and outdoor area is very carefully planned for. The children have daily whole class Phonics and Mathematics sessions as well as creative curriculum themed sessions. During the Summer Term in Reception, the physical learning environment changes slightly to include more whole class Literacy and Mathematics sessions to aid the transition to Year 1.
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