Welcome to DUCKS An introduction for parents 2021

Key Stage 1 Teaching and Learning

Physical Education In Key Stage 1, the children continue to build on their natural enthusiasm for movement. The curriculum adheres closely to those elements of the National Curriculum at Key Stage 1 which are considered to be important in the development of a balanced programme. Children have PE lessons each week, following an indoor and outdoor curriculum. The children also attend weekly swimming lessons where they are taught by qualified instructors. This programme helps them to develop and improve their water confidence and swimming skills. Visiting Music Teachers DUCKS have several visiting Music teachers who offer individual piano, violin and cello lessons. As lessons take place during the school day, your child may miss academic lessons, playtime or have lunch at a different time. Please arrange a meeting with your child’s teacher to discuss the effect this may have on their learning, behaviour or friendships if you are concerned. You will be asked to sign a contract for these music lessons and the cost is billed termly. If you are interested in music lessons for your child, please contact DUCKS Music Co-ordinator.


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