An A to Z of DUCKS
Arrangement of DUCKS’ classes Kindergarten: 6 months to rising 3 years, part of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Maximum class sizes in the Kindergarten are Babies 6, Toddlers 14 and Ducklings 26. Infants’ School: 3 to 7 years, covering the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) from 3 to 5 years and Key Stage 1 (KS1) from 5 to 7 years. There are five Early Years (EY) classes, two Nursery and three Reception and six KS1 classes, three Year 1 and three Year 2. In the Infants’ School the maximum class size is 22. Access to your Child’s Records Parents/carers who wish to view their child’s personal file must request this in writing to the Head of DUCKS. In providing access, DUCKS has regard to data protection legislation and the General Data Protection Regulations and in particular will take measures to safeguard records which refer to other pupils or third parties. Allergies and Medical Requirements If your child has any specific medical requirements, we ask that you give full details of these needs on the Entry Profile before your child starts at DUCKS. Any requirements can also be discussed during a home visit or at our New Parents’ Event. This will ensure that any adaptations to meal times or your child’s day to day requirements are in place ahead of them starting with us. We have a number of measures in place to ensure that medical and dietary needs are met, including: training on EpiPen use, allergy and medical alert information and a complete allergy plan with access to the Dulwich College Medical Centre staff for specific advice and support in meeting individual children’s needs. Please see page 17 for food allergen information. Arrival and Departure Staff will not hand a child over to anyone other than the known parent or carer. Parents/carers must fill out the Alternative Collection Arrangements Form prior to a child being collected by a different adult. We will accept email notification of a different person collecting your child if your arrangements change during the day.
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