Some move grandly through in the first procession . . . and who wouldn’t like to be in that crowd? But there are others for whom things go the other way. There has been entirely too much preaching that invites young people to a Horatio Alger sure-fire life of success by being a Christian. We are not guaranteed “health, wealth and happiness” after the fashion of this world. In the providence of God one man hits the headlines, thrills us with stories of miraculous victories, sways the multitudes with recitals of amazing deliverances. But another, just as truly called of God, just as surely in His will and filled with the Spirit, stays in a country church or is buried in darkest heathendom without even an obituary notice. Others appear to be failures, live in wheel-chairs or between bed-sheets. Still others have their lives cut short in youth, are martyred, persecuted, afflicted, tormented. They do not stop the lion’s mouth or escape the edge of the sword. You see, there are two processions and some of us travel in one, some in the other. But one thing we may all have in common: “These all, having obtained a good report through faith . . .” We can do that in either pro cession ! Our Lord does not invite us to a sanctified picnic with honors, rewards and success guaranteed. God may grant these things to some but it is well to be ready for the “ If Nots.” Do not promise to follow the Saviour un less you mean, “ He shall be my God, regardless. Furnace or no furnace, whether He delivers me from it or in it, I will bow to no other god. He is able to deliver BUT IF NOT He is still my God, Whose I am and Whom I serve. Whether I march with the kingdom-subduers or with the sheepskin and goatskin crowd, I will never bow to Nebuchadnezzar’s image.”
On the voyage to Rome, Paul assured his fellow- travelers that they would all reach their destination. “Howbeit,” he added, “we must be cast upon a certain island” (Acts 27:26). We are all going through but between us and home there may be some howbeits. God leads His dear children along but not always through green pastures. Some must go through the waters, the flood and the fire. But by either route we shall arrive. The Hebrew children were delivered and the others in Hebrews obtained a good report. Indeed the Hebrew children gained a greater bless ing in the furnace than they might ever have known outside. There walked with them amidst the flames one “ like the Son of God.” They enjoyed a fellowship with the Lord which they would have missed but for the If Not. There is a communion of the sanctuary, of prayer and of meditation but there is also the communion of the furnace. What looked here like disappointment was His appointment; they had an appointment with the Son of God in the furnace. When you are in the midst of the “ If Not,” He is there too. He Himself faced the greatest of all “ If Nots” : “ Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.” In other words, “ But if not, Thy will be done.” I would not chill your enthusiasm if you have set out on the high road of faith. God may grant you fame and prosperity or a furnace and obscurity. But be prepared with Faith’s Alternative. Whether you stop the mouth of the lion or the lion’s mouth stops you, whichever pro cession you march in, let that be incidental. Win a good report through faith. Whether He saves you from the furnace or in the furnace, He will not fail those who put their trust in Him.
God has called the Pocket Testament League to Viet Nam. As so many times in our history, PTL has once again entered a war-torn country to conduct campaigns of Scripture distribution and evangelization. We are working among the American Marines, Infantry, Air Force and Navy, Vietnamese soldiers, refugees from Viet Cong terror, and the civilian population.
Glenn Wagner, veteran PTL Foreign Secretary of so many crises campaigns all over the world, is on the scene with Dr. Andrew Loo, our veteran Chinese repre sentative. Here IsWagner’s first report of the conditions and the pressing need: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ "This is Glenn Wagner reporting from Saigon. Black clouds of smoke billowed skyward nearby as our plane ferried into the airstrip. One of Saigon's worst bombings of a police area reportedly killed 4 and wounded 17, just 100 yards from our headquarters. This is war — death, blood, sweat, tears and misery surround us. “ Shipped 3,000 Scriptures for the beginning of Vietnamese Campaign. Christian workers report need for great quantities of Scriptures to be given to American and South Vietnamese soldiers and refugees in hospitals, training centers, outposts and camps. Government and military cooperation assured. “ This is another Korean war with the exception that this war is all about you. There is no front line and it is difficult to know who your real enemy is. “ Pray for a mighty spiritual arsenal to meet the soul needs of these ravished people." 4- V- -V -V #• 200,000 Vietnamese gospels have been printed for immediate distribution. Our goal is at least one million. Prayer support needed for this war-torn land, its suffering people, our team members and the power of the Gospel. J. Edward Smith, International Director • Alfred A. Kunz, International Director Emeritus Pocket Testament Leaguef Inc . 49 Honeck Street, Englewood, N. J. 07631 • Canada: 74 Crescent Rd., Toronto 5, Ont.
Phuong, Vietnamese army training center. Photo by Mr. Garth Hunt.
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