King's Business - 1965-11

T h r e e h u n d r e d f o r t y - f o u r y e a r s ago a small number of grateful Pilgrims ass emb l ed in prayerful tribute to God for an abundant first harvest. That occasion marked the launching of a meaningful custom which has become one of our Na­ tion’s most cherished holidays — Thanksgiving Day. In 1621, the Pilgrim Fathers were bound by spiritual unity and love of and faith in the Supreme Being. Their special observance of thanks was a testimonial to their belief that God, in His omnipotent wisdom, looked with favor on their quest for a land where freedom’s blessing flow. In this humble and devout setting, the true meaning of Thanksgiving was born. Today, America is free and strong - a monument to the hopes and ideals of the Pilgrims. It stands as the greatest fortress of brotherhood in the history of man. Conceived under God, our country represents a people whose progress has been blessed with divine guidance and whose history is rich with evidence of His power and glory. We have emerged triumphant from devastat­ ing wo r l d wars . Our scientific achievements stagger the imagina­ tion. Our standard of living sur­ passes all expectations. Truly, the goodness and mercy of God have been with us. Regrettably, too many Americans no longer care about religious ideals and heritage. To some, our country is a fantasyland filled with compli­ mentary handouts of rights and free­ doms without obligations. With pat­ ent indifference, they shirk the mere suggestion of individual responsibil­ ity. Their purpose in life is lost in moral lethargy, self-indulgence, and neglect of duty. Time and experience have proved our Constitution to be the greatest document for freedom ever drawn by man. This instrument of self- government is a reality envisioned by our founding fathers who were dedicated to the ideal that man is superior to the State. It embodies the fundamental principle of liberty which is dearer than life, the precept that men shall live as equals under government by law, not by men. Law and order are pillars of de­ mocracy on which our safety and welfare rest. Without law and order, our society would falter and be de­ stroyed. Law enforcement, as the main line of resistance against all enemies of our heritage, may indeed be proud of its contributions to the growth of a Nation founded on mu­ tual trust, understanding, and faith in God. On this Thanksgiving, we

should lift our hearts in humble thanks for this special privilege and pledge to uphold our noble cause to promote tolerance, to preserve the rule of law, and to protect and strengthen our God-given ideals and faith in freedom. We Americans must never lose sight of the fact that our power,

wealth, and happiness come directly or indirectly from our belief in God. Let us commenmorate Thanksgiving by refurbishing our religious ideals. And as we meet the force through­ out the world which seek to destroy our way of life, let us find strength in the Biblical quotation, “ If God be for us, who can be against us?”



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