King's Business - 1965-11

CEYLON »»«INDIA GENERAL MISSION and PAKISTAN CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Our M inistry Includes: orrespondextce Bible Courses ndigenous Churches ospel and Literature Distribution inistry to Lepers Write for FREE Literature NORTH HALE ST., WHEATON , ILL INO IS 60187 107-K


EVERYTHING OR NOTHING But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. — Philippians 3:7 I. Exacting Terms o f Discipleship. A. The rich young ruler. (M at­ thew 19:16-22; Mark 10:17-22; Luke 18:18-23) 1. “ What lack I y et?” asked the young man. 2. It is hard fo r a rich man to enter the kingdom. 3. We receive restoration fo r things given up fo r Christ. B. The man who would follow Jesus. (Luke 9:57-62) 1. “ I will follow thee whither­ soever thou goest.” a. Jesus’ answer showed He had no regular place of abode. b. There is a fellowship of suffering. 2. “ Suffer me first to go and bury my father.” a. Common interpretation is that the father was not dead. b. Jesus’ answer stressed the importance o f preaching. 3. “ Let m e b id farewell.” (Jesus’ answer to this stress­ ed the importance o f not al­ lowing anything to deter our follow ing Him.) C. Those who cannot be Christ’s disciples. (Luke 14:25-27) 1. Any man who hateth not father. 2. Whoever does not bear own cross and follow Him. D. The early church. (A cts 4:32) E. Paul’s testimony. (Philippians 3 :7 ) II. Counting the Cost. A. Jesus’ parable. 1. Man building tower. 2. King— 10,000 versus 20,000. B. Much gain in Christ. 1. Eternal life. 2. A heavenly mansion. 3. Fulfilled desires. 4. A ll that was lost through Adam and own sin. 5. True happiness. C. Inestimable loss without Christ. 1. Eternal death. 2. No home. 3. Unfulfilled desires. 4. Eternal separation from God. 5. Eternal remorse. D. Christ’s terms o f discipleship— unconditional surrender. 1. Self.


□ THE QUIET CORNER Sherwood Eliot Wirt, Ed. A lovely de­ votional treasury compiled by the edi­ tor of Decision Magazine. $2.50 □ THE GIST OF THE LESSON 1966 Donald T. Kauffman, Ed. This year— a new low price and enlarged paper­ back format for the famous pocket commentary on the International Les­ sons. 951 paper □ ILLUSTRATING THE LESSON 1966 Arthur H. Stainback. An average of eight graphic illustrations for each of the International Sunday School les­ sons for 1966. $1.50 paper


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