King's Business - 1965-11

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by Arnold D. Ehlert, Tb.D.

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Librarian, Biola. College, La Mirada, Calif.

Your hopes, and America’s, are bound up in your child. And the Christian school offers education to help those hopes come true. . . superior instruction... honor to God, parents and coun­ try. Support the Christian school. It’s a training camp for tomorrow’s Christian leaders. Dept, k -1165 NATIONAL ASSOC IATION OF CHR IST IAN SCHOOLS BOX 28 • WHEATON. ILLINOIS THE KING’S BUSINESS a perfect gift for friends ' w a * ' n * n ta r y XsArn° ^ for YOU? Some teachers do not use Arnold’s. Their students wish they would. Those teachers are: □ The “droners,” incurable lectur­ ers. □ The "bluffers,” who worry their way through the lesson verse by verse. □ The “Rip Van Winkles,” who aren’t awake to the changing world about them. Many teachers do use Arnold’s. People in their classes say they are easy to rec­ ognize: □ Real leaders, pioneers in discov­ ery and discussion. □ “Involvers,” who turn spectators into happy participants. □ Growing people, who want the best practical methods for mod­ em teaching. Arnold’s Commentary—the most prac­ tical, the most helpful commentary on the International Uniform Sunday- school lessons. And at the best price: only $2,501 JlÊÊKÊÊBÈSB&SilMÊÊÈf r œ sm rÆ vrj/ tr, I


The Invisible War by Donald Grey Barnhouse

ing the truths. Dr. W. A. Criswell gives a helpful introduction to the presentation. Dr. Fickett is pastor of one of the largest churches of the denomination, located in Southern California, the First Baptist Church of Van Nuys, which has been a vital influence in the spiritual growth of the more than one million people liv­ ing in the San Fernando Valley. 184 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan; $3.50. BOOK ENDS______ (A Review of Current* Publications) SHADOWS OF ECSTASY, and MANY DIMEN­ SIONS by Charles Williams; 206 - 269 pages; paper; William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; each $1.95. These are novels written some years ago by the author who passed away in 1945. Mr. Williams was an English author who had the ability of graphical­ ly describing the deterioration of the human soul as well as the victory which comes through salvation. THE ANATOMY OF ANTI-SEMITISM by James Daane; 84 pages; paper; William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.45. The book deals with the author's opinion that "the deepest cleavage between men" is that found between Jews and Gentiles. He believes that even if God has turned his back upon the Jews, salvation of the Gentile was depen­ dent upon the Jew. There is a strong warning to Christians to realize the untenable position which they hold when they show contempt of or reject God's chosen people. CONQUERING by Wesley H. Hager; 110 pages; cloth; William b. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.95. In pointing out that the Christian's life is never static, the author deals with the way in which one may conquer such personal problems as failure, anxiety, boredom, regret, nerves, prejudices, handicaps, weariness, futility, and death. JOURNEY INTO MALAYA by Amy McIntosh; 63 pages; paper; Good News Publishers, West­ chester, III.; $.50. Condensed from the book originally published by the China Inland Mis­ sion cescribing the missionary activities of those who had to stand up against forces of idolatry, materialism, and communism. The book shows the final triumph through the birth of the church and the ministry which is carried on to serve the true and living God. THE MINISTER'S MANUAL (DORAN'S) com­ piled and edited by M. K. W. Meicher; 357 pages; cloth; Harper and Roe Publishers, New York., N.Y.; $3.95. The 41st annual edition of this helpful publication for busy ministers in­ cludes such things as sermon outlines for every Sunday, seed thoughts and illustrations, poems for worship, funeral meditations, inter­ national Sunday school lessons, and other ex­ cellent helps. Compiled with ready reference the volume is an excellent publication for any pastor to enjoy. It provides the added "salt7' to season a good sermon. Recommended books are available from the Biola Book Room, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; and on the La Mirada Campus , 15800 Biola Avenue. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.

Every true born-again believer re­ alizes the Scriptural fact that “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and pow­ ers.” The seventh chapter of Romans clearly i l l us t rat e s the warfare through which the children of God must pass. There is ultimate victory as we f a c e the realization that “ Greater is He that is you than he that is in that world.” The purpose of this book is to trace the spiritual conflict which did not originate in us but actually back to the time of Lucifer’s fall from heaven. The pro­ gram of conflict will continue right to the end of time until the final consignment of the devil into the lake of fire. The devices of Satan and the dangers of the world and the flesh are clearly illustrated. While one seldom considers the devil’s “ frustration,” the author shows that he is a defeated enemy and how that victory is the promised position belonging to every born-again be­ liever. Dr. Barnhouse, an alumnus of Biola who died several years ago, was the radio speaker for “ The Bible Study Hour” and editor of Eternity magazine. 288 pages; cloth; Zonder- van Publishing House, Grand Rap­ ids, Michigan; $4.95. A Layman's Guide To Baptist Beliefs by Harold L. Fickett, Jr. While many books have been writ­ ten concerning the basic tenets of Baptists, this author has succeeded in presenting a concise, well-outlined and well-organized d i sc us s i on of them. He deals with the denomina­ tion’s traditional position on such things as the Bible, God’s plan of salvation, the church, the ordinances, evangelism, money (stewardship), eternal security, and life after death. Another helpful aspect of the pub­ lication is the listing of the dogmas adhered to by other churches, added since final New Testament revela­ tion, and why these have been re­ jected by the Baptists. Those who are interested in Bible study will be helped by the questions at the end of each section designed to test the knowledge of the reader in absorb­

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