Box 19945, Dallas, Texas 75219 Celebrating 75 years of evangelizing, church planting, and teaching the Word. Tens of thousands in huge housing com plexes and in universities . . . progressive, industrious people desirous of education . . . these form our new fields today. Our radio, literature, personal evangelism and teaching ministries must increase. Pray with us that our 37 new missionaries may go soon to meet the mushrooming demands! Central America and Mexico ATTEND a CAM 75th Anniversary Meeting in your area this fail.
T h ir t y y e a r s out of 50 is a big slice of time in any man’s lan guage. The parents of this clan cele brated their 30th wedding anniver sary by reminiscing in terms of gratitude to the Lord they love. Thirty years of living and work ing together, rearing nine children, serving Jesus Christ' in various pas torates and related ministries, some times we felt we could join the great Apostle in saying: . . servant(s) of Jesus Christ.” Did 30 years of love, disciplines, irritations, frustra tions, angers, fleeting joys, illnesses, death, elusive dreams count up to maturity, to enhance personalities, hearts enlarged with gratitude, to vigorous testimony for Jesus Christ? Counting the ways and means of growing in grace and gratitude in clude many experiences: Our first born’s illness and death. Gratitude for this separation? The problems and heartaches, pleasures and pride incident to loving, training, educat ing, marrying (of four) have been mountainous. Grateful for these ex periences ? The revealing of your “ clay feet” to your mate; the spirit ual weaknesses of each creating a sense of defeat; the personality quirks which irritate and sometimes enrage; shattered dreams for lack of partner participation and/or money; some important promises not kept; character flaws which demand for giveness “ seventy times seven” if t h e relationship is to continue. Thankful for these? According to God’s Word and out of the 30-year experience as a team (son Paul’s term of endearment for his parents) we’ve learned t h a t gratitude is not easily come by. Nei ther does it grow in a culture of easy softness. Gratitude, like char acter, grows on the structural steel of trouble, on the challenge of re sistance. If our Lord should tarry and it pleases Him to permit us to live, what will another 30 years, or 20, or 10 do to us, for us? Who knows but God? He does know that the prayer of our hearts is that by life or by death, Christ be magnified.
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