G ifts o f Lasting Va lue fo r
CHRIST W ILL COME It could be just at break of day As night's last shadows fade away, And glowing sunrise tints the east To waken man and bird and beast, That Christ might come. Or mayhap in the busy morn When to daily tasks our lives conform, Which seem to take up all our time And leave no room for thoughts sublime, That He could come. But then when sun in zenith high With light and warmth floods earth and sky, And while we pause for noonday rest, 'Tis then that He, the heavenly Guest, The Christ could come. Of course, since He is coming soon, It could be in the afternoon, And though we're working or at play, Perhaps it is this very day When Christ will come. It e'en might be at eventide When cares of day are laid aside And sunset beauty fills the west, 'Tis then our wishes may be blest, And Christ will come again. Or when the stars their vigils keep And we are lost in slumbers deep, God might decide the hour is here To call from earth His children dear And Christ to come. But be it midnight or at noon One thing we know— he's coming soon. Thus each moment we must be The trump will sound and God's elect W ill from the graves and earth arise To meet their Saviour in the skies, When He doth come. May this mean much for me and you, Since, when God speaks. His words are true; Thus when He says, "M y will be done." And gives the sign unto His Son, 'Tis then in glory Christ shall come. And now— As evil spreads from day to day, Come soon, Lord Jesus, soon, we pray. — Edwin C. Roworth Prepared to face eternity. When Christ shall come. For at a time we least expect, Morning Prayer Father, we thank Thee for the night, And for the pleasant morning light, For rest, for food, and loving care, And all that makes the day so fair. Help us to do the things we should. To be to others kind and good, In all our work and all our play, To love Thee better every day. — Selected
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