accept responsibility in this matter. The American Public Health Asso ciation declared in 1959, “ If present trends continue, lung cancer will claim the lives of more than 1,000,- 000 present school children in this country before they reach the age of 70 years.” The boys and girls in our schools should be given the facts on smoking so that they are fully aware of the health hazards involved. Pastors and teachers also must not fail in their responsibility to instruct and to warn along this line. It must ever be “ line upon line and precept upon precept.” They must not dele gate the enlightenment of the con science to the physician, the scien tist, or secular educator. Parents need to be aware of their responsibility on this issue. In the booklet “ S m o k in g and L ung C a n cer ,” by the American Cancer Soci ety, the relationship between smok ing habits of parents and children is pointed out in these words: “ Among high school boys and girls the num ber who smoke cigarettes is twice as high if their parents are cigarette smokers as it is if their parents do not smoke. If only one parent smokes, the proportion of children is intermediate. Children of parents who have stopped smoking are more likely to smoke than the children of parents who have never smoked.” Certainly individuals must act re sponsibly in regard to smoking and health. One person said after hear ing about the Surgeon General’s re port on smoking and lung cancer, “ Oh, well, a person has to die some how. So I may as well enjoy my cigarettes.” This, however, is unin telligent and irresponsible reaction. Many people will be helped by the re cent report of the Surgeon General. Others will be deceived by the de layed action of the results of smok ing. The buying habits of the Ameri can people indicate that many believe that they can afford anything they want as long as they do not have to pay for it now. Since the cigarette smoker may not have any painful symptoms now, he may think he is getting by. Centuries ago the Wise Man said, “ Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil” (Ecclesiastes 8:11). But we dare not be deceived. We are accountable for our choices and the results thereof. We may try to evade our responsibility in this mat ter of smoking. But one thing we will not be able to avoid and that is the consequences of our decisions. If we smoke now, we will pay later! Available in printed form from American Tract Society, Oradell, New Jersey. NOVEMBER, 1965
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