people m iK© News
famous Chase Manhattan Bank of New York, recently has been ap pointed the executive vice president of the United World Mission, St. Petersburg, Florida. Mr. Matthews had served with the New York bank for 28 years. As an official of UWM, he will take over the administrative responsibilities of this growing faith missionary organization. UWM cele brates its 20th Anniversary this coming year and is a member of the Evangelical Foreign Missions Asso ciation.
ished people.” Campaigns will be conducted among the American Ma rines, Infantry, Air Force and Navy, the Vietnamese soldiers, the refugees from Viet Cong terror and the civil ian population.
Howard E. Seymour recently has been appointed director of personnel for the American Bible Society. Prior to the appointment, he was an indepen dent management consultant. Mr. Seymour received his Ph.D. in psy chology from the University of In ternational Studies, Luxembourg. Glenn Wagner, Pocket Testament League Foreign Secretary, has estab lished an operating base headquar ters in Saigon; 200,000 Vietnamese gospels have already been printed. In a recent release, Mr. Wagner re ported: “ Shipped 3,000 Scriptures for the beginning of Vietnamese Campaign. Christian workers report need for great quantities of Scrip tures to be given to American and South Vietnamese soldiers and refu gees in hospitals, training centers, outposts and camps. Government and military cooperation assured. This is another Korean war with the excep tion that the war is all about you. There is no front line and it is diffi cult to know who your real enemy is. Pray for a mighty spiritual arsenal to meet the soul needs of these rav
Malcolm R. Cronk, p a s t o r o f t h e W h e a t o n Bible Church, Wheaton, Illinois, will be the featured speaker at the Anniversary Rally celebrating the 88th year of s e r v ic e of Chica go’s Pacific Garden M iss ion , second
Pictured above, Mr. Wagner pre sents Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge and Chinese Representative Andrew Loo with PTL New Testaments in Saigon. Ambassador L o d g e wel comed the PTL work in Viet Nam.
oldest rescue mission in the country. Personal testimonies by Mission converts will highlight the rally. Dr. Cronk
John C. Matthews, former vice presi dent and district executive with the
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