King's Business - 1965-11

WHY DIDN'T YOU? Why didn’t you put the Junior K ing’s Business in the magazine fo r July? I was very disappointed because I look forward to them. Another reason is be­ cause I love to read and it is one of my hobbies. Also because sometimes I don’t have very much to read, but I do enjoy the magazine very much. Ruth Caswell, Quito, Ecuador

different philosophy from so many of our professors, teachers and ministers. I thank you fo r the courage to speak out on this issue o f civil rights in the wholesome, common - sense m a n n e r which you portray. It is a sad situation when church men, yes, ministers en­ courage the sort o f thinking that leads to these demonstrations and race riots becoming so prevalent. Mrs. Wesley Leach, Olympia, Washington KB COVER Recently I took my fam ily for a vaca­ tion up in the White Mountains o f A ri­ zona, camping at Hannigan Meadows and roaming around all over the area o f Buffalo Crossing, etc. Then we came home and were surprised to see a pic­ ture on the cover o f THE KING ’S BUSINESS, taken in the very spot where we had ju st been. It certainly is a beautiful location. Rev. Eschol Cosby, Cochise, Arizona KB RENEWALS I am enclosing a check fo r 22 g ift subscriptions to THE K ING ’S BUSI­ NESS. I felt that I should renew these subscriptions fo r another year. Please pray that these people will read the magazines and that those who do not know Him as their personal Saviour, may be won to the Lord Jesus Christ. Kathleen Torrance, Banning, California

EDITORIALS I would like to say Dr. Sutherland’s editorial in the August issue was a needed one. We were previous mem­ bers of the Presbyterian ranks, and finally could stand it no longer. The article by Edgar Koons, “ Withstanding the Attacks” is timely and needed. So many people go along and never know what the denomination really stands fo r or anything about the literature they produce. Thank you for the maga­ zine. Marjorie E. Wetter, Los Palos, California While waiting in a laundramat last week, I casually picked up a copy of THE KING ’S BUSINESS fo r July 1965, and read your editorial entitled “ Rights Run Rampant,” and the article by William Ward Ayer, “ Christians Must Be Patriots.” It is encouraging that men such as you are teaching our young people in this day o f a much

E d it o r ’ s N o t e : Pictured above is a copy of Ruth’s letter to us. We thought our readers would like to see where she lives.

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