Computing We will be starting the term by delving further into e-safety and how our children can keep themselves safe online (on all devises). We will then be moving onto developing a game using coding. R.E & PSHE This term we will be looking at ‘prayer’ throughout all faiths and who non-religious people turn to in a variety of situations. Then, the children will be moving onto exploring places of worship. Every week, during class assembly, we will be focusing on managing relationships, behaviour and choic- es, mental health and wellbeing, arguments / disagreements, emotions and strategies to encourage mindfulness.
The Rainforest
Geography This topic is all about identifying the position and significance of latitude, longitude, Equator, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic Circle, and time zones (including day and night). It includes looking at where the rainforests are in the world. We will be exploring the effects of deforestation on the rainforests and the world. History This term we will be looking at everyday life in the Rainforest and the importance of maintaining it. Throughout the term, the children will be learning about tribal life in the past and present. We will also be looking at the Mayan civilization. Art & Design and Design & Technology We will be concentrating on the life and works of a famous artist called Henri Rousseau. The children will get the opportunity to use a range of media and develop their painting skills. The children will be designing, making and evaluating a range of healthy meals. P.E Please ensure that your child has the correct kit in school. This half term we will be doing athletics and rounders. 5W will be doing PE with Miss Hinton. Please see the school website for this terms swimming arrangements. Music During this term , we will be exploring a range of songs, including singing in groups, solos and rounds. We will begin to use various percussion instruments and explore a range of notes. Our topic will be focused around ‘Dancing in the Street’ and Motown.
In Year 5, our Talk 4 Writing genres include: narrative, where we will focus on creating ten- sion. Also, we will be looking at alternative fairy tales, where the children will be making their own book and will get the opportunity to pre- sent this to the infant children. The chil- dren will have the opportunity to explore for- mal letter writing with a purpose. Both of these topics will be developing life skills by being able to present to an audience and write for a purpose. During all of the units we will be look- ing at different sentence types and doing a variety of SPAG activities. This term we will be looking at the properties of shape including comparing and measuring angles, using the properties of shape to deduce related facts and finding missing lengths and angles within rectangles. We will be looking at volume and capacity. The children will be con- verting units of measure. Maths This term in Science the children will be looking at forces including: air resistance, water resistance, friction and gravity. The children will be exploring these forces through a range of practical experiments and investigations. The children will be making their own investigations and focusing on how to work scientifically. Science
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