Summer collection

P.E P.E this term is on the following days. 1P - Tuesday 1D - Thursday 1CP - Alternate Mondays & Wednesdays In P.E this term, our areas of learning are Athletics and Games. The children will be practising their throwing, catching and aiming skills. They will also be developing their partner work and teamwork through small group and whole class games. Please ensure that your child has the correct kit in school including pumps. Remember, named items are much easier to find! R.E The focus of Summer 1 will be Islam. The children will listen to Islamic stories and the messages behind them. They will learn about objects and places that are special to Muslims such as the Qur’an and the Mosque. Summer 2 is a Unit focus- sing on Christian beliefs. The emphasis is largely on the New Testament and the ‘good news’ that Jesus brought. Music During Summer 1, children will listen to and appraise a range of songs that they are now familiar with including songs from Mary Poppins and Aladdin. These songs are chosen to stimulate their imagination. Summer 2 is a reflective Unit, designed to allow

English Throughout the term we will use Talk for Writing to learn, explore, adapt and write a range of fiction and non-fiction texts. Each text will be based on either fins, fur or feathers, linked to our topic, and will include a story and a fact file. Children will also continue to learn and apply SPaG ele- ments to their writing as well as practicing cursive hand- writing. During reading activity sessions, we will continue to develop accuracy and fluency whilst reading a variety of texts to inspire and promote a love for reading. Maths In maths we have so far started to look at multiplication and division. We will be moving on to looking at halving and doubling numbers. Then we will be looking at position and direction. They will learn to describe rotations as quarter, half, three-quarter and whole turns, and will combine turns with lateral movement to give and follow route instruc- tions. The children will also develop their understanding of and ability to manipulate, numbers to 100. They will inves- tigate patterns in 2-digit numbers, specifically 1 more and 1 less, and 10 more and 10 less, before moving on to parti- tion numbers and identify the place value of digits within a number. We will be then be moving on to looking at time and money. Science & Topic Our first Topic this term is called Home and Away. The children will learn about life on land, comparing Bearwood to a coastal town. We will also look at the human and physi- cal features of parts of the UK. Our second Topic is called Fins, Fur & Feathers and links closely with our Science work this term.Year 1 will be learning how to identify and name common animals. We will classify them by whether they are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. As the title suggests we will include fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, including pets. We will look at habitats, food and other aspects of animal life. The children will also learn to identify, name and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.

Topic/Art and Design

As our Topic suggests, Art this term will include lots

of animals with fins, fur or feathers. We will be

exploring a range of new techniques, as well as having

a go at making our own sculptures! We are

anticipating lots of messy fun and creativity, so will

probably ask children to provide suitable coveralls

from home, to protect their school clothes.


In Geography, we will be naming the four countries in

the UK and their capital cities. We will also locate

the seas surrounding the UK. The children will

consider the geographical similarities and

differences between areas of the U.K, by comparing

children the opportunity to revisit their favourite songs, games and Units of work.

human and physical features. Each class will enjoy a

trip to the Clent Hills.


In computing we will be using iPads and sound

recording equipment. We will initially record our own

sound effects and then add them to an audio book,

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.

based on a traditional tale.

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