Summer collection

Art/DT Design and Technology will be our focus for the first half term in which the children will be designing, planning and making their very own food box. Following the half term break our art work will include observational drawings and looking at the work of William Morris. The children will be creating their own design in the style of William Morris. History We will be learning about the life of Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. Through this, we will compare nursing today to nursing from the past. The children will look at these significant individuals and the impact they had. RE & PSHE Our RE will enable the children to explore the concept of God for themselves and to consider what this concept might mean for Christians. The focus is on pupils exploring the concept of God for themselves, through asking questions and using metaphors to help understand characteristics of God. There should also be an element that enables pupils to explore what Christians believe about God and how they respond to God. In PSHE, we will be looking at making and main- taining good relationships, followed by accepting that changes are a big part of growing up.

Geography In Geography the children will be looking at maps of the local area and using a key to locate information. They will apply these skills to draw a map of a real or imaginary place. (e.g. add detail to a sketch map from an aerial photograph) . PE In PE we will be focusing on athletics. We will be prac- tising running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and then we will look at combining these skills. Develop- ing their flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance through athletics. Please ensure that your child has the correct kit in school and it is clearly named. We also ask that long hair is tied back and that earrings are removed or covered—thank you. Computing This term we will be developing our collaboration skills through working as part of a group. We will be developing our research skills through careful and effective search- ing for information on the internet. Our presentation skills will be put to the test when we have to create our own presentation based on our topic of Healthy Life- styles. Music We will be consolidating learning that has taken place during the year. The children will continue to listen to and appraise pieces of music and will learn about the dimensions of music through games, singing, playing in- struments, improvising and composing. They will perform and share with others. Taking Care– Healthy Lifestyles & Growing up This term’s topic is all about ’Taking Care’. We shall spend the first half term looking at healthy lifestyles. In the final half term ‘Growing Up’ will be our focus in which we will be comparing humans at different stages of their life.


A folktale entitled ’Baba Yaga’ will kick off our Talk 4 Writing, which will provide the children with a strong foundation for creating their very own folktale. We will also be providing them with an opportunity to create and write their own adventure story . Children will be encouraged to include ambitious word choices, accurate punctuation and consistent application of the many spelling rules they have learned. The children have been introduced to several different sentence types during their time in Year 2 and we shall be encouraging them to show these off within their pieces of writing. In Maths the children will start by learning how to make ¼ , ½ and ¾ rotations and learning how to tell and read the time. They will also look at questions involving capacity and will revisit methods for addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. There will be lots of mathematical reasoning going on, providing the children with opportunities to use and apply their skills to solve problems and to investigate mathematical statements. We will continue to strengthen and develop their fluency of key skills such as doubles, halves, number bonds and times tables. In Science we shall be learning all about healthy lifestyles, finding out about the different food groups and providing the children with an opportunity to plan and create their own food box. We will also look at how exercise and hygiene contribute to a healthy lifestyle. In the final half term, we shall be looking at growing up and changing, considering what babies need to grow and survive and classifying and describing changes that happen as people grow older. Science . Maths

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