AAAS EPI Center and GLLC Roundtables

PFAS Risk Communications | AAAS EPI Center

PFAS Stakeholder Analysis Stakeholder analysis identifies the people who need to receive information or provide input. The outcome will help shape effective key messages and select communication tools and tactics that are meaningful to the key audiences and delivered where the audiences get their information. Based on guidance from the International Association for Public Participation’s Spectrum of Public Participation (IAP2) 5 , stakeholders can be categorized based on their level of interest and level of influence to help identify needs for relationship and capacity building and determine how to target outreach. This aspect of community assessment evaluates the risk perception of each hazard to each stakeholder 3 . You may have different communication goals and strategies for each group. Invest in building relationships with low-interest stakeholders. Consider affected populations, identifying physical, psychological, sociological, and demographic characteristics among stakeholders to help determine effective outreach methods. Consider how to address affected groups who may not be participating in mitigation or preventative measures 3 . In addition to affected populations, common PFAS stakeholders may include the following: Regional EPA representatives, state regulators, city/town officials, water utilities, community groups, local businesses, environmental or public health advocacy groups, residents/homeowners, industry groups, firefighters and emergency responders, and media and news outlets. Figure 2 - Stakeholder Analysis Communication Goals


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