Willow PT_ Live a Happier Life with PT


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle takes work, but once you get into the groove of it, it becomes much easier. For example, eating nutritious foods is one of the easiest ways to improve your health (although we know those sweets are hard to kick.) Physical activity is the hardest aspect to get in the habit of doing, especially if you are being held back by chronic pain. Some people try to mask their symptoms with anti- inflammatory or pain-relieving medications, while others, unfortunately give up on the idea of being active altogether. Luckily, there is an alternative option: physical therapy. With the help of a physical therapist, it is possible to reclaim your pain-free, healthy lifestyle, and get back to doing the activities you love. Everyone has different needs based on the conditions of their bodies. There is no cookie- cutter approach to health and wellness, as one treatment plan may not work the same for one person as it would for another. Your physical therapist will work closely with you to evaluate your mobility, balance, range of motion, and severity of pain.

Your physical goals will also be taken into account when creating your treatment plan, as well as any health risks that may be holding you back. At your initial evaluation, you may be asked to perform basic movements, such as sitting down, standing up, walking, lifting, stretching, or other motions. Once your physical therapist has a clear picture of what you need, he or she will begin constructing a treatment plan to help relieve your pain and achieve your goals.

In the end, an active lifestyle is more than possible, even if you struggle with chronic pain. If you are looking to improve your health, strength, and physical activity, look no further – Willow Physical Therapy is here to help. Schedule a consultation with one of our physical therapists today and get started on your journey toward better health and wellness!

What Patient

Exercise Essentials Perform This Exercise To Relieve Leg Pain In Minutes!

SIDE LUNGE Stand with good posture. Lunge to the side. Keep back straight and your hip, knee and ankle aligned. Return to the start position.

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