

“We need new blood on council,” says Luc Thivierge

ST-PASCAL-BAYLON | Luc Thivierge wants tobring somenewblood to the city council table in Clarence-Rockland. The local business owner is the latest con!rmed newcandidate on thisOctober’smunicipal election list. “The people need some new blood on council,” Thivierge said. ”They need to have a sense of freshness, you might say. That’s why I said to myself, ‘It’s time.’” The 53-year-old candidate has lived in the Clarence-Rockland area all his life, and manages his own plumbing business, which has helped him to meet many of the city’s residents over the years. ”I know the area,” he said. ”This place is very dear to me. I would love a chance now to give back to the community that has

always treated me well. ” This will be the "rst actual political campaign for the St-Pascal-Baylon resident and he knows that he does not have much practical political savvy. But he feels that the experience he has gained over the years in managing his own business a#airs will serve him well in the campaign and at the council table. ”My greatest asset,” he said, ”is that I can listen to what people tell me. I’m also good at sitting down with a group and working towards solutions to problems. If a person can’t work as part of a team, then there’s really nothing positive that they can do.” If he wins a seat on council in October, Thivierge would like to either be in charge of or part of the infrastructure committee.

He emphasized that roadwork is a critical need for the community. ”And if we don’t have the budget to do everything, then we need to have a clear action plan. We need to get started on some stu#. I am not going to make promises, but I do want to make a list of priorities.” Thivierge also noted that he wants to work towards helping with revitalization of the rural areas and villages. He would like to see more businesses set up in the villages without compromising the basic rural atmosphere. ”We need to have a development plan for the villages, and that also means sitting down and considering the possibilities. We need new ideas to help draw in more small business to the rural corners of the municipality.” Looking over the situation regarding the actions of past and present councils, Thivierge noted that it is easy to criticize others for what they do or don’t do. He emphasized that he is not running on a campaign platform of criticism. ”If I am going to do this,”he said, ”I am not going to dwell on the past. I am going to focus my attention on the future.” (!0%+*ŏ* % 0!ŏ 0.%*%*#ŏ3+.'/$+, Mid-September is the deadline for anyone interested in running in this year’s civic elections to sign up. Potential candidates in Prescott-Russell communities, both incumbents planning to run for re-election and newcomers, are in- vited to attend one of free municipal candi- date information sessions that the Ministry of Municipal A#airs and Housing is organiz- ing in the region. Two sessions are scheduled, one in French on August 27, and the other in English Aug. 28. Both are at 6:30 p.m. They are located in the Russell Township municipal o$ce in Embrun, the City of Clarence-Rockland council chambers in Clarence Creek, and the Town of Hawkesbury council chambers. Anyone unable to attend any of these ses- sions in person may still take part through a webcast presentation at elections_a.php?id=424. The sessions are open to candidates for councillor, mayor, and school district trust- ee posts in all eight municipalities within Prescott-Russell. The meetings are for infor- mation purposes on the roles of successful candidates to these positions, not political debates.

Luc Thivierge



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