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TRANSACTIONS NV5 ACQUIRES RIVER CITY TESTING, STRENGTHENS MATERIALS TESTING AND INSPECTION SERVICES IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NV5 Global, Inc., a provider of compliance, technology, engineering, and environmental consulting solutions, announced that it has acquired River City Testing, Inc., a provider of materials testing and special inspection services in Southern California’s Inland Empire

Region. The addition of RCT strengthens NV5’s testing, inspection, and consulting capabilities in the region and gives NV5 a materials testing laboratory to support NV5’s engineering operations in Riverside County and San Bernardino County. “The Inland Empire is one of the most populous regions in California with approximately 4 million residents, and NV5’s presence in the region

has expanded in recent years,” said Dickerson Wright, PE, chairman and CEO of NV5. “We are pleased to add River City Testing’s materials testing and inspection capabilities and its talented team of inspectors and technicians as we continue to grow our position in the Inland Empire and surrounding communities,” said Guillaume Gau, COO of Testing, Inspection, and Consulting at NV5.

■ ■ Support your local students. Supporting your local schools and universities is an extremely rewarding way to represent your profession. Reach out to professors and teachers and ask if you can guest speak in their classes. Participate in career fairs. Visit a student club meeting, bring some pizzas, and talk about your profession with them. They are always looking for real working professionals willing to spend some time with them. You can make a long-lasting impact on the students at an early phase of their academics, and maybe they’ll even remember you when you try to recruit them after they graduate. “Although I agree that work-life balance is important, I’ve learned that it’s much more than a balancing act between work and life. Work-life balance 3.0 means that balance must also be achieved between work-work and life-life.” ■ ■ Join and actively participate in professional societies, alumni associations, and industry organizations. Not only will you be giving back to your profession, you will also be expanding your professional network and likely improve your business development opportunities. Having an established, wide-spread professional network is important in any industry. Active, consistent, and long- term participation is critical for this indirect activity to be meaningful in your life. Professional networking is much more than just attending a meeting and getting a free lunch or liking and sharing a few posts on LinkedIn. You have to invest significant time and effort to make a lasting impact, usually over the course of several years. Life-life balance means that all areas of your personal life (family, spiritual, relationships, etc.) also need to be balanced. Your life-life balance is something I am not even going to attempt to pretend I can understand. Everyone’s life-life balance is going to look different and only you can decide what needs to go on each side of your life-life scale. They key is to remember that it’s much more than balancing work and your personal life. Each side of the scale also needs to be balanced. Balance good, everything good. Henry Liang, P.E., is a principal at MKN. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

HENRY LIANG, from page 3

miss the Sunday afternoon barbecue with my family so I could finish a report?” “Why did I work through lunch and miss that professional luncheon?” “Why am I eating at my desk reviewing company financial reports while my colleagues went to grab a pizza together?” I realized I was only working hard on one side of the scale, completely out of balance. We’ve all heard about work-life balance, and how it’s a big deal for employee satisfaction. Although I agree that work-life balance is important, I’ve learned that it’s much more than a balancing act between work and life. Work-life balance 3.0 means that balance must also be achieved between work- work and life-life. Work-work balance means that your direct work is balanced with your indirect work. Your direct work includes your day-to- day job functions. This is the type of work that would fall under your official job description and likely be completed during your normal work hours. Your indirect work includes the extra- curricular activities that support your professional success but are not requirements specified in your job description. You would likely complete indirect work outside of your normal work hours. Here are a few specific examples of how you can achieve work-work balance: ■ ■ Invest in your people. You likely work in a team environment, and you typically see your work associates even more than your own family. Develop a personal relationship with your colleagues. Get to know them and their families. One of the best business tips I ever learned is from Dave Ramsey’s book EntreLeadership . He has an entire chapter titled “People Matter Most” where he discusses that the people are the most valuable resource within a company and the best way to build unity and loyalty is to invest in them. Investing in people doesn’t mean paying them more money. It’s about taking time out of your busy day, getting to know them, and developing an authentic relationship with them. ■ ■ Never stop learning. Continuous education – like getting your MBA, obtaining a new certification, or completing continuous education courses – will grow your knowledge base and keep it current. Especially with the ability to access unlimited resources at our fingertips, there is really no excuse. Companies like RedVector provide very specific online trainings on just about any technical topic, and every industry has its version of online trainings.

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