Second-year ECEM Major with the highest performance in core courses. Minimum B+ average. Second-year CCI Major with the highest performance in core courses. Minimum B+ average. Second-year MPS Major with the highest performance in core courses. Minimum B+ average. Best performance in FOUN1101 – Caribbean Civilization. Minimum B+ average. Top performing student contributor to building the profile of the ECEM Society
Kianna Brissett (ID# 620137519)
The ECEM Prize
Amoy Smith (ID# 620076171)
ICS Prize in Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI)
Renardo Lewis (ID# 620136445)
ICS Prize in Music and Performance Studies (MPS)
Aaron Ffrench (ID#620151138)
Caribbean Civilization Prize
Brianna Rose (ID#620140605)
ECEM Society Prize
The ICS renewed its marketing programme with high schools to attract new stu- dents to The University of the West Indies. Some of the activities carried out in the AY 2022/2023 to increase its students’ intake were: 1. A Workshop on Culture and Violence in Schools with the assistance of Dr. Deon Edwards-Kerr, Lecturer in the School of Education on Friday, April 28 and Sunday, April 30, 2023. The workshop highlighted the role culture plays in impacting behaviour. It also provided space for the involvement of graduate student Ms. Melissa Beckford-Simpson who chaired the first workshop. The second workshop was chaired by Dr. Sonjah Stanley Niaah and speakers in the series included Dr. Nicole Plummer, Dr. Dennis Howard, Ms. Isabel Dennis and Dr. Dave Gosse. 2. Hosted CAPE Students’ Marathons for Sociology Units I and II and Caribbean Studies on Friday, April 28 and Sunday, April 30, 2023. This was also another marketing strategy to aid with increasing the student intake in the programmes offered by the Institute. 3. Visited over twenty (20) high schools to promote our programmes and to assist them in other academic related topics.
Graduate Students Five (5) graduate students were successful in the examination of their theses/research papers/upgrade during the Academic Year, and another student excelled in his doctoral dissertation. They are as follows:
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