The UWI Mona Campus' Annual Departmental Reports 2022_2023



Student Development

Personal & Professional Development Activities The Personal Professional Developmental Officer and her Office has played an instrumental and extremely important role in the Faculty over the last academic year. Our students have been under tremendous pressure and the Pandemic appeared to have exacerbated the needs of our students. Efforts by the PPDO has focused on working closer with departments that are underrepresented in group activities. Collaboration with Careers and Placement occurred in February–April 2023 and there was resumption of Clinic, Mock Inter- views and Annual Career Conference. Attempted meeting with International/ Offshore students were disappointing as they were poorly attended and often there were clashes with meetings by their own school. In semester two alone there were approximately 250 encounter with students and the PPDO. The PPDO continues to have one on one appointments with our students requiring support but the Office is also responsible for hosting several webinars on stress management, time management, coping mechanisms among many others. In view of the growing demands, the Faculty seeks to employ a second PPDO in the next academic year to strengthen this unit.



West Indian Medical Journal The burden of the backlog was significantly reduced but not yet completed. The Editorial Office, a Senior Administrative Assistant for the West Indian Medical Journal (WIMJ) was confirmed in her position this year. The publication of the CARPHA Supplement for its Annual Conference which was held during April 26–29, 2023. The Journal resumed acceptance of new manuscript September 2022, using online platforms. The Journal continues to be very important for our Faculty as many young researches start their academic career and publishing through this journal. The financial issues plagues the journal, but with new strategic planning from the Editor in Chief we are hopeful the journal will be resuscitated fully.

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