• Powell S, James Bateman C, Harrison A . Health Risk Behaviors in Jamaican Adolescents with Chronic Illness. 2nd Caribbean Congress on Adolescent and Youth Health (CCAYH). October 2022. AC Marriott Hotel, Kingston. • Harrison A . The Voices of Jamaican Youth - SOWC 2021 (Jamaica). Panelist for plenary: Addressing the mental health of adolescents and youth in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. 2nd Caribbean Congress on Adolescent and Youth Health, AC Marriott Hotel, Kingston. October 20, 2022. (invited) • Harrison . Preparing the Teen for the World Beyond. Paediatric Association of Jamaica Biennial Conference . March 2023. FMS-TRC, UWI, Mona (hybrid conference) • Harrison , K. Ferguson-Henry, C. James Bateman, G. Lowe. Eating Disorders Among Adolescents and Young adults in Kingston, Jamaica . CARPHA 2023. Atlantis Paradise Island Resort, Bahamas, April 2023. • S. Edwards, A. Garbutt, R. Melbourne-Chambers , A. Harrison . The Prevalence of and Perceived Contributing Factors to Burnout, Depression and Anxiety in Paediatric Residents at The University Of The West Indies in a Post Covid Era . 14TH UWIMAA International Reunion Conference July 2023. FMS-TRC, UWI, Mona. • Evans-Gilbert, T ; Blagrove SA; Muppuri M; Reid T; Chulani K. Trends in respiratory diseases in the emergency room visits in children and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. A hospital-based retrospective study in Jamaica 2019–2022 Oral Abstract O-12. West Indian Medical Journal Vol 70 (Suppl. 2): Caribbean Public Health Agency (2023) Page 27 . https://www.mona.uwi.edu/ fms/wimj/vol-70-suppl-2-caribbean-public-health-agency-2023. • T Evans-Gilbert , A Barnett, D McGowan,G Reid, SA Williams, D Johnson-Wal- lace, T Hylton-Kong, S Campbell-Forrester, D Campbell-Stennett. Establishment of an adolescent HIV clinic, retention in care and outcomes of HIV-infected adolescents and youth Poster Discussion P-29 CARPHA 67th Annual Health Research Conference Bahamas April 27–29, 2023. West Indian Medical Journal Vol 70 (Suppl. 2): Caribbean Public Health Agency (2023) Page 27 . https://www. mona.uwi.edu/fms/wimj/vol-70-suppl-2-caribbean-public-health-agency-2023. • A Barnett ; Z Shim , G Reid ,D Johnson Wallace, SA Williams ,Clive Ander- son, M Scott , T Evans-Gilbert .Community HIV Adherence and Adolescent Mental Health Program (CHAMP++). Preliminary findings of a pilot program for adolescents living with HIV in Western Jamaica . Oral Presentation O-47 CARPHA 67th Annual Health Research Conference Bahamas April 27–29, 2023 West Indian Medical Journal Vol 70 (Suppl. 2): Caribbean Public Health Agency (2023) Page 27. https://www.mona.uwi.edu/fms/wimj/vol-70-suppl-2- caribbean-public-health-agency-2023
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