The UWI Mona Campus' Annual Departmental Reports 2022_2023



• T. Pulikanti ,S. Blagrove, J. Roberts, DG Chin, M. Hines,K. Scott , T. Evans-Gil- bert Epidemiology of Respiratory Infections Among Healthcare Workers During COVID-19: A Tertiary Care Institution Study. UWIMAA 14th International Medical Reunion Conference July 18–19, 2023, UWI Campus, Mona, Jamaica. • MH Campbell, J Gromer-Thomas, K Khan, B Sa, PM Lashley, D Cohall, CE Chin, RB Pierre , OP Adams, MAA Majumder. Measuring stress during the Caribbean COVID-19 pandemic; Psychometric performance and configural invariance of the PSS-10 in a multi-country survey of medical and health profes- sions students. Presented (platform presentation) at the 67th CARPHA Health Research Conference, Nassau, Bahamas, April 27–29, 2023. pp28. [Abstract # O-15] • Garbutt A. Challenging Behaviours in Children. Oral presentation at Paediatric Association of Jamaica, 24 th International Biennial Conference, March 26, 2023 • Garbutt A. Medication: Curse or Cure. Grand Rounds, Department of Child & Adolescent Health, November 2022. Multimedia publications • Quality Learning-using available resources and collaboration Garbutt, A. (2022). Quality Learning-using available resources and collaboration . YouTube.


Childhood Cancer − Public education on childhood cancer through the media − Several media activities through Ministry of Health, Power 102 FM, CVM at Sunrise, RJR 94 FM, Gospel JA FM − Workshops and training sessions on childhood cancer organized 2022 Paediatric Oncology Mini symposium (under the auspices of the Jamaica Cancer Society) September 22, 2022 − Audrey Pottinger. Health and wellness program aired by West Jamaica Con- ference of Seventh-day Adventists - presenter on Children’s health, Pandemic issues and CNCD, etc. Social Accountability Dr Andrea Garbutt Participation in Social Accountability through the FMS Social Accountability group − Organised Health Fairs

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