The UWI Mona Campus' Annual Departmental Reports 2022_2023




INCOME GENERATION The department increased revenue during the period mainly through international grants and collaborations. Christie Celia DC (Co-investigator ); Mosha Samantha (Co-Investigator). “Longterm Impact of COVID_19 in Children and adolescents, 4 to 6 months after hospitaliza- tion”. Global Infectious Diseases Research Training Program – GIDRTP, November 2021 (renewal in progress). Christie CDC: Co-investigator, (P.I. (international) Gene Morse; P.I. (UWI) Prof John Lindo) Source : National Institutes of Health, USA Title : “Fogarty International Training and Research in Virology at UWI”, collab- orating with University of Buffalo, New York, USA Grant period : 5 years, began 2018. Grant amount : Funded for $1.1 Million USD’s to UWI Reece-Mills, Michelle : Principal Investigator 2019 – Award – 10,000 Euros ($1,776,000.00 JMD) per year x 5 years Source: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Title: Assessment of association between body composition and the clinical and quality of life outcomes in Jamaican children with haematological malignancies Objective: To identify and validate a body composition measure that can be used at the bedside by clinicians for early identification of children with poor nutrition during cancer treatment in low and middle income countries Non UGC Self Financing Programmes • Non UGC (self-financing programme – $4,000,000.00): Post-graduate diploma in Adolescent Health and Advocacy, Department of Child and Adolescent Health, Faculty of Medical Sciences, UWI, Mona. Coordinator: Dr A. Harrison • Non UGC (self-financing programme – $4,000,000.00): Post-graduate diploma in Loss Grief and Trauma Management, Department of Child and Adolescent Health, Faculty of Medical Sciences, UWI, Mona. Coordinator: Professor A. Pottinger. Status: Research in progress Self-financing programmes

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