PUBLIC SERVICE AND COVID RESPONSE In the public sphere, many staff members continue to serve on community and national boards, and continue to be part of advisory teams on various public health and mental health issues.
STUDENTS • Continued facilitation of students with faculty from activities included orien- tation, academic advising and mentorship, promotion of coping strategies to enhance student’s wellbeing with referrals to counselling as needed. • Cross-Campus collaboration, harmonization and update of the Family Med- icine Postgraduate Curriculum continues. • Forging of partnerships with Yale Global Health, UK Health Services Agency and CARPHA to support the DrPH programme including establishing visiting professors, external examiners, supervisors and field placements were realized. • MBBS: Year 1: Incorporated gender-based violence topics in Healthcare Con- cepts course lectures • Identified of opportunities for field placements of DrPH students and men- torship at CARPHA. • Continued dialogue with Ministry of Health to facilitate the Primary Care Renewal initiative and role of the DrPH and the DM Family in addressing training needs. • Exposed students to the One Health concept in the year 3 curriculum; under- scoring the interconnectedness of medicine and the environment. • Provided part sponsorship of Family Medicine students’ attendance at confer- ence to impart up-to-date knowledge.
Refereed Journal Articles • Harris A, Thompson C, James K, Holder-Nevins D. (2023).Unravelling Delay in Care for Sexually Transmitted Infections-Related Symptoms in a Developing Country Setting (Jamaica). Community Health Equity Research & Policy, 0(0). doi:10.1177/2752535X231187987
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