The UWI Mona Campus' Annual Departmental Reports 2022_2023



older Caribbean adult patients. Journal of clinical hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.) , 25 (7), 618–627. • McLeary, J. G., Walcott, G., Abel, W ., Mitchell, G., & Lalwani, K. (2022). Prev- alence, perceived risk and associated factors of tobacco use amongst young, middle-aged and older adults: analysis of a national survey in Jamaica. The Pan African Medical Journal, 43 , 185. • Harrison J., Oshi, D., Gibson, R .C & Holder-Nevins, D. Mixed Method Inte- gration Using Participant Selection Variant and Principle of Maximum Vari- ation in Investigating Self-Reported Medication Compliance among Older Jamaicans Adults Diagnosed with Hypertension, Diabetes and Arthritis. Carib- bean Journal of Mixed Methods Research 3, 1 (2023): 80–93; DOI:10.37234/ CJMMR.2022.0301.A03 • Lalwani, K., Whitehorne-Smith, P., Walcott, G., McLeary, J.G., Mitchell, G., & Abel, W . (2022). Prevalence and sociodemographic factors associated with polysubstance use: analysis of a population-based survey in Jamaica. BMC Psychiatry, 2022 ; 22:1, 22(1), 1–11. • Lindsay CM, Bernard KK, Hammond AM, Beckford S, Abel WD , Brown PD, Young LE. Potency trends of cannabis in Jamaica during the period of 2014 to 2020. Drug testing and analysis . 2023 Jun 12. • C. Cunningham-Myrie, K.P. Theall, N. Younger-Coleman, M. Tulloch-Reid, J. Wiggan, S. McFarlane, N. Bennett, T. Ferguson, T. Davidson, I. Govia, W. Aiken, A. Grant, K. Webster-Kerr, R. Wilks Who moves in vulnerable neighbourhoods? Positive deviance for Physical Activity: Findings from the Jamaica Health and Lifestyle Survey 2017 (JHLS III) . PrevMed Reports 2022 Sep 21 :101998. • Amrita Gill, Erica A Felker-Kantor, Colette Cunningham-Myrie , Lisa-Gaye Greene, Uki Atkinson, Parris Lyew-Ayee, Wendel Abel, Pernell Clarke, Simon G Anderson, Katherine P Theall. Neighborhoods and adolescent polysubstance substance use in Jamaica. PeerJ 11 :e14297 • YD Dawkins, S Rowe-Gardener, N Guthrie-Dixon, R Thompson, T Thompson, MG Lee, C Cunningham-Myrie . H. pylori predictors and outcomes among adults undergoing upper endoscopy at a Jamaican teaching hospital: A cross-sec- tional study. Helicobacter 2023;00:e12968 • Craig LS, Cunningham-Myrie CA , Theall KP, Gustat J, Hernandez JH and Hotchkiss DR (2023) Multimorbidity patterns and health-related quality of life in Jamaican adults: a cross sectional study exploring potential pathways. Front. Med. 10 :1094280. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1094280 (Journal Impact Factor – 5.058) • Gibson, R.C. , Lowe, G., Lipps G, Jules, M.A., Romero-Acosta, K., Daley, A. (2023) Somatic and Depressive Symptoms Among Children From Latin America

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