The UWI Mona Campus' Annual Departmental Reports 2022_2023



and the English-Speaking Caribbean. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, doi:10.1177/13591045231178890 • Romero- Acosta, K., Lipps, G.E., Lowe, G.A., Gibson, R. , Ramirez-Giraldo, A. (2023) The Validation of the Kutcher Adolescent Depression 6-Item Scale in a Sample of Colombian Preadolescents and Adolescents. Evaluation & the Health Professions . doi:10.1177/01632787231175931 • Greene, J., Lipps, G., Lowe, G., Jules, M., Gibson, R.C. (2021) The validation of a brief screening measure for depressive symptoms among Grade 6 students in Jamaica and Barbados. Social and Economic Studies , 70 (3 & 4), 137–157. (Published January 2023) • Walker, I.F., Asher, L., Pari, A. … Gibson, R.C. (2022) Mental health systems in six Caribbean small island developing states: a comparative situational anal- ysis. Int J Ment Health Syst 16, 39. doi: 10.1186/s13033-022-00552-9 • “Antihypertensive medication class and diastolic orthostatic hypertension in older Caribbean adult patients June 2023 The Journal of Clinical Hyperten- sion 25(18)”Latoya Smith, Maxine Gossell-Williams, Aileen Standard Goldson , Maria D Jackson • Bailey A., McCaw-Binns A. Advancing Communication Strategies in Jamaica’s Response to the COVID 19 Pandemic. West Indian Medical Journal 2022:69 (7):461 • Govia, I., Palmer, T., Stubbs, M., Harris, M., Bogle, D., Miller, S., Walters, C., Muir, S. A., & Bailey, A. (2022, June 30).Vulnerable Group Members Coping With COVID-19 in Jamaica: A Qualitative Study. Traumatology. Advance online publication. • Lalwani K, Sewell C, Frazier G, et al. “Drunk driving: a secondary analysis of factors associated withdriving under the influence of alcohol in Jamaica”. BMJ Open2023. • C. Cunningham-Myrie . Addressing the Social Determinants of the NCD Epi- demic in Caribbean Countries. (2023). West Indian Med J;69 (9), 596 (Journal Impact Factor – 0.171) Technical Reports • 2023 Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Plan for Enabling Environment and Human Rights in Jamaica (National HIV/STI Programme, MOHW). J. Duncan • 2023National Guidelines on Management of Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension and Asthma (Jamaica). J. Duncan • 2023 Jamaica’s Care Pathway for persons with DM and HTN\, J. Duncan • Brown A., Bailey A. A National HIV Prevention Strategies Review 2017–2020 National Family Planning Board, March 2023 (33 pages).

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