was recognized for her work in this area by conferral of the Order of Distinction (Commander Class). The Caribbean Association of Clinical Microbiologists (CACM) continued through a series of symposia which addressed crucial pandemic responses while keeping the focus on key areas of medical microbiology such as antimicrobial resistance. NEW STAFF Dr Tiffany Butterfield and Dr Jerome Walker joined the department as Temporary Lecturers and have been involved in improving the Clinical Immunology Services while teaching conducting research in the area.
Abstracts • Onuoha, C., Stephenson-Clarke, S., Thoms -Rodriguez, C. , Brown, P. Mixed-Species Biofilms and Resistance to Heavy Metals and Disinfectants: Implications for UPEC and UTIS. International Journal of Infectious Dis- eases , Volume 130, Supplement 2, 2023, Page S29, ISSN 1201-9712. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.ijid.2023.04.067. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/ pii/S1201971223001960). International Congress on Infectious Diseases, pre- sented Nov 20, 2022. • Miles Saunders, L., Christie, O., Heslop, O., Reynolds-Campbell, G., Thomas, S., Thoms-Rodriguez C. , Prevalence and Molecular Characterization of Clos- tridiodes difficile in patients at a Jamaican Tertiary Care Facility, University Hospital of the West Indies. Caribbean Association of Clinical Microbiologists (CACM) Conference, October 28, 2022. • Thoms-Rodriguez C 2023. Critical Infection Prevention and Control Reminders for the Labour Ward and Special Care Nursery/Neonatal Intensive Care Unit” 22 nd Annual Perinatal Conference – Challenges and Controversies in Perinatal Care, February 26, 2023. • Thoms-Rodriguez C 2022: Emergence of New Trends in Antibiotic Resistance. Association of General Practitioners of Jamaica Antibiotic Hybrid Conference 2022, October 9, 2022 . Publications • Williams T, Jackson S , Barr I, Bi S, Bhiman J, et al. Results from the second WHO external quality assessment for the molecular detection of respiratory syncytial virus, 2019–2020. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2023 Jan 18;17(1):e13073. doi: 10.1111/irv.13073
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