• Roye-Green, K ., Willis, R., Priestley, S. R., & Vickers, I. (2022). Knowledge, Practice and Attitudes to the Management of Sepsis in Jamaica. The Journal of Critical Care Medicine , 8 (4), 232-241. • Kilmarx, P.H., Maitin, T., Adam, T., Aslanyan, G., Cheetham, M., Cruz, J., Eigbike, M., Gaye, O., Jones, C.M., Kupfer, L. and Lindo, J ., 2023. Increasing Effectiveness and Equity in Strengthening Health Research Capacity Using Data and Metrics: Recent Advances of the ESSENCE Mechanism. Annals of Global Health , 89 (1). • Brown MG , Lindo JF , Vickers IE, Nelson K, Phillips Y, Wilson-Clarke C, Gavi S, Morse GD, Talal AH. Seroprevalence and Genotype Diversity of Hepatitis C Virus in the Caribbean-A Review. Trop Med Infect Dis. 2023 Jul 17;8(7):370 The Department is involved in several initiatives to increase its research and pub- lications output including; Abbott Pandemic Defense Dr Joshua Anzinger continued as local Principal Investigator of the Abbott Pandemic Defense Coalition which is a consortium of 87 universities and research centers which are involved in virus discovery and surveillance. Among the projects which have resulted from this: 1. Virus surveillance and discovery in humans; 2. Virus surveillance and discovery in mosquito vectors – led by Dr Simone San- diford (BMS); 3. The association between viral infections including SARS-CoV-2 and HTLV-1 and the development of autoimmunity; 4. The APDC supports the research of several graduate students and junior faculty members, resulting in publication in high impact factor journals. Global Infectious Diseases Research Training Program (GIDRTP) completed its fifth year with three pre-doctoral and three postdoctoral scholars. The pandemic of COVID-19 not only curtailed travel to laboratories and institutes in the USA but interrupted the global supply chain which made the procurement of equipment and reagents severely challenging. This resulted in unspent funds in the grant and the NIH has granted permission to expend funds. Furthermore, we successfully competed for renewal of the grant for another five years and two new scholars were recruited including Dr Jerome Walker (postdoctoral fellow) and Ms Shanice Redman (pre doctoral fellow). Dr Walker’s project is entitled C linical and immunological outcomes of dengue fever outbreak in hospitalized children at a tertiary healthcare center in Jamaica while Ms Redman will study Phylogenetic analysis and genotype identification of dengue virus whole genome sequences obtained from serum samples of patients presenting to the University Hospital of the West Indies, Jamaica
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