• Dr. Keilah Mills, Ph.D. Literatures in English, with High Commendation; thesis entitled “The Politics and Poetics of Caribbean Ecologies in Selected Texts by Black Women Writers”. That the return to the classroom was accompanied by a requirement to cease online teaching was problematic for some students, was nowhere clearer than for postgraduate students. Many struggled or simply found themselves unable to continue to combine work and study. Several departments sought approvals for online delivery and assessment of postgraduate courses. This included courses in the M.A. Translation (French & Spanish), the Master’s in Librarianship, and some Education courses. Unfortunately, these requests were not all met with approval, forcing students in locations across and even outside the region to make costly arrangements for proctoring and couriering of scripts, and for departments to absorb some of these expenses. It is imperative that these restrictions be addressed as we increase the regional and even global reach of our programmes.
PROFESSIONAL OUTREACH The School of Education continued to strongly support teachers’ professional devel- opment at all levels of the educational system, for instance with workshops for Primary Educators held at World Teachers’ Day, 5 October 2022, on differentiating instruction, numeracy teaching, school librarianship, spelling instruction, and technological infusion in the classroom; a workshop on Inquiry-based Teaching in the Jamaican Mathematics Classroom, 13 April 2023, for primary and secondary mathematics teachers; the launch of a TVET Blended Challenge under the theme “Building resilience for sustainable development in disruptive times” and of Incep- tion Workshops for TVET educators as part of the 2023 Conference on TVET in the Caribbean. SOE also continued its collaboration with the Faculty of Science and Technology under the “Building Out Our Stem Teachers” scholarship programme, which aims to incentivize mathematics and science students to become teachers. Another department which sought to support teachers was the Institute of Carib- bean Studies which organized a Workshop on Culture and Violence in Schools on 28 April 2023. The Department of Library and Information Studies convened a Leaders Roundtable for heads of programmes, memory and information institutions, and chairs of pro- fessional associations for the purpose of building partnerships and strengthening networks on 20 October 2022. DLIS with the UWI Mona Library also organised a
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