Research Forum on 4 May 2023 on ‘Data security and information services in the 21st century: exploring theory and best practice’, with keynote speaker Dr Patrick Anglin, University Data Protection Officer. In collaboration with the GO School for Information, DLIS offered a three-day income-generating summer course on “AI in information services: implications, applications and added value”. Other income-generating initiatives included translation and interpreting services and lunch hour classes offered in the DMLL. One of the most remarkable projects undertaken during the year was the UWI Mona Prison Project, a prison-to-college pipeline initiative in partnership with Bard College and the Open Society University Network and in collaboration with Department for Correctional Services. The project delivered a course in Entertainment Business to inmates and wardens in the Tower Street Adult Correctional Centre. The aim of the project is to increase access to higher education and improve reintegration outcomes for incarcerated people in Jamaica. The programme is in keeping with the institution’s mission to empower and provide access to underserved popula- tions. It resulted in the award of a departmental certificate to eight inmates and two wardens, and it is to be hoped that this project will garner sufficient support from donors for its continuation. RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION IN THE HUMANITIES AND EDUCATION The Deputy Deans for Postgraduate Matters and of Marketing and Resource Mobil- isation collaborated on an initiative “Toward a 21st century researcher-led Faculty of Humanities and Education”, aimed at developing a model for collaborative, interdisciplinary research and resource mobilisation. To this end, an on-line form was developed which approximately 60% of staff completed, so that a Research Map could be compiled for the Faculty. To support the Faculty’s publication agenda, especially for early career researchers, they also collaborated on a ‘Call for Authors’ and a series of activities for the respondents, including a series of writing workshops which were attended by some 18 staff members. To increase access to research produced in FHE, the inaugural Research Index of scholarly work produced in FHE, covering the 2019/20 and 2020/21 academic years, was launched in June 2023. It presents research outputs by staff and graduate students in the Faculty under the categories refereed publications (books, book chapters, and journal articles), non-refereed scholarly output (scholarly outputs, creative works, and ICT/multimedia innovations), and PhD theses. Where relevant, abstracts are provided, and URLs and DOIs to facilitate access to the publication. Available at https://www.mona.uwi.edu/humed/sites/default/files/humed/fhe_ research_index_2023.pdf, it is expected to enhance the visibility of our scholarly work, especially to our peers within the institution.
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