PAPERS PRESENTED • Campbell, S. “Engaging men and boys in Gender Equality & Gender Justice.” UNESCO Office for the Caribbean and the Institute for Gender and Develop- ment Studies Regional Coordinating Office (IGDS-RCO), UWI Mona. Sheroes Academy 2022, November 22, 2022 [Oral Presentation] • Campbell, S. “If the Water is too Clear, You don’t Catch any Fish: An Inves- tigative Case Study on China’s Investment in the Caribbean.” International Republican Institute (IRI) Latin America and the Caribbean Workshop, Quito, Ecuador. March 1–2, 2023 [Oral Presentation] • White, L . “Social Marketing Pedagogy: Reflections & Recommendations.” World Social Marketing 7 th Annual Conference, Brighton, UK, September 5–8, 2022 [Oral Presentation] Academic staff engaged in additional activities to improve the quality, quantity and impact of research, innovation and publication. Dr. Olivia Bravo and Mrs. Chevonnese Chevers Whyte attended the Department of Literatures in English’s presentation and workshop on “Bringing Digital Humanities to the Undergradu- ate Classroom” held on April 19, 2023, in N5. The workshop was in collaboration with Create Caribbean Research Institute. Between March 17 and May 26, 2023, academic staff participated in the faculty’s inaugural bi-weekly Writing Series as part of its ongoing strategic planning exercise to drive research and publications, build teams, and increase collaborative research, project development, publications and grant acquisition. Dr. Steffon Campbell participated in a 2-day Regional Journalism Exchange on “Business Models and Methods for Funding Investigations”, in Quito, Ecuador, which was held on September 8 and 9, 2022 and consisted of training sessions with regional and international journalists and media owners. The Exchange was funded by the International Republican Institute. In January 2023, he was one of 30 journalists to complete the Africa and Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) member countries global health reporting initiative offered by the International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF). The nine-month virtual fellowship was designed to assist journalists to digest complex, and often unfamiliar, public health informa- tion, to enable them to produce evidence-based output on the Covid-19 pandemic. Dr. Alpha Obika and Adjunct Lecturer, Ms. Yvette Rowe, announced a Call for Papers for their edited collection titled, Culture, Cash and Class in Jamaica’s Carnival . Dr. Anthea Henderson also announced a Call for Papers for her edited collection titled, Young, Digital and Jamaican .
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