PUBLIC SERVICE − Nurse Educator, Veronica Waugh-Brown served as a Mentor in the Ministry of Justice Child Diversion programme. She also served as member of the Child Protection Committee at the Cornwall Regional Hospital along with UWISON- WJC colleague, Dacia Neita-Chambers. UWISON-WJC Coordinator, Verona Henry-Ferguson served as Chairperson of the Nurse Educators’ Special Interest Group – Nurses Association of Jamaica, and Facilitator of the Continuing Education for Nurses, In-service Education Department at Cornwall Regional Hospital. − From November 2022 to February 2023, Dr. Alpha Obika served as an Expert Interviewer for the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus’ Department of Literary, Cultural and Communication Studies. The 4-month long process involved screening, shortlisting and interviewing prospecting candidates for 2 available positions. He also served from January to March 2023 as the Jamaica Country Expert for the Digital Society Project’s “Measur- ing Internet Politics.” An extensive survey of Jamaica’s communication and telecommunication policy landscape was completed.
SUSTAINABILITY AND CAPACITY BUILDING Especially in the context of a tighter than expected hold on the purse strings and the continued squeeze on capital projects, extra effort was expended to ensure that all the new and recurring initiatives such as conferences, special seminars, and course projects were fully self-financed, either through participant registration or grants and sponsorship from local and international corporate organizations and development institutions. The three initiatives mentioned here – GS2.2022 Conference (USD110K), the International Student Study Programme (USD20K) and Summer School 2023 (USD17K) – would have returned in 22/23 because of either scheduling design or suspension of the programme for over a three to five year period, but proved to be strong indicators of potential in capacity building. Faculty and staff were also engaged in new professional development initiatives through the Staff Engagement and Enhancement/Workforce Development Com- mittee. These included an Inclusivity Training Workshop (August 2022) delivered by the UWI Centre for Disabilities Studies on how to relate to students and employees with disabilities, hosting the first Family Health and Wellness Day which covered all areas of health and wellness (October 2022), and a University of Florida Coun- selling and Wellness Center workshop (June 2023). The Chair of the SEE/WDC
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