The UWI Mona Campus' Annual Departmental Reports 2022_2023



also worked with the Office of Planning and Institutional Research to design and administer a Staff Engagement Survey that would allow for cleaner disaggregation and better understanding of the special organizational culture at the WJC. CONCLUSION The UWI Mona WJC is 15. Many objectives are yet to be met. Some may have to be abandoned, some adjusted, but there is a future for UWI Mona in the West. WJC’s value to the technological transformation agenda of the campus must be capitalized. Its social and economic value to the city and the region needs deeper dive. The resilience with which it has come through these first fifteen years is part of the spirit and culture of the city and people it serves – a spirit and culture that have so much more to offer a University for teaching, research, and community enterprise and to which a University like ours has much more to return. For the 2023/2024 academic year, the projection is to increase and sustain the marketing, advertising and promotion of the WJC’s boldness, innovation, diver- sity, and resilience as a University center of excellence in higher education and sustainable development. This will include leveraging the local and international partnerships built over the last 15 years to improve its capacity to meet the physical and technological infrastructure needs of the campus. We will also seek to expand the effort at building a culture of student success in an environment of quality assurance and global standards of pedagogies, as well as recruit and maintain faculty that will drive both the research and development agenda of the campus and the design and delivery of academic programmes and experiences that draw on the unique historical, sociological, cultural, and economic dynamism of the region and the city of Montego Bay. Finally, we will seek to increase local and international student enrollment in the identified growth areas in both undergraduate, graduate, and certification and professional development programmes.

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