The UWI Mona Campus' Annual Departmental Reports 2022_2023


T he successful implementation of year one of the Library’s Strategic and Opera- tional Plans was a hallmark of the 2022–2023 academic year, which was geared towards supporting the Campus in realizing strategic goals of Phase II of the Triple A Strategic Plan: Revenue Revolution. The main areas of focus for the Library under the pillars of Access, Alignment, and Agility, were Digital Transformation, CAMP, and Teaching and Learning through Scholarly Communication. An exciting array of programmes, and services were actualized during the year as the Library inten- tionally invested in staff training in strategic areas towards equipping them with the requisite skills and knowledge. Despite major financial and human resource constraints, staff of the Mona Library continued to meet and exceed expectations by delivering exceptional service to our internal and external clients. Staff contin- ued to make significant contribution to the profession with their research output resulting in a number of our staff being recognized at the 75th Anniversary Prin- cipal’s Research Awards Ceremony. Campus Librarian, Dr. Paulette Kerr proceeded on sabbatical leave August 1, and Deputy Librarian Mrs. Jessica Lewis Marshall ably led the Library for the academic year. Under her leadership the library forged ahead with ongoing projects while exploring new opportunities. The year under review also saw the transition out of the COVID-19 mode of online service delivery to resumption of full face-to-face engagement. We continued the drive to reaching our patrons ‘anywhere anytime’ by offering select services in a hybrid mode. Creating safe spaces was of top priority to the Mona Library, and this was realized after a robust space management audit was completed during the summer towards welcoming students to a safe physical facility. In addition, our orientation focus, “A is for everyone: A call to action ” was a motivating theme for students. Our spaces were fully utilized, resulting in over 25,000 students using our physical space compared to just over 9,000, the previous year. The teaching arm of the Library, the Mona Information Literacy Unit (MILU) continued to make strides in supporting the University’s teaching and learning mandate, and to that end the Unit received a full overhaul of its ICT infrastructure. As the 2017–2022 Strategic planning cycle ended, the Library analysed achievements, and the impact of services and programmes provided throughout the five years, by gathering data from patrons to provide a better understanding of their needs


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