The UWI Mona Campus' Annual Departmental Reports 2022_2023



and expectations towards charting the next five years. This analysis was achieved via a LibQUAL Survey conducted between November 14 and December 2, 2022. As part of our strategic focus, the Library’s Outreach team ensured that patrons were equipped with relevant and updated information on how to access library collections, and available resources to satisfy their research needs. In year one of the 2022–2027 Strategic Plan, the Library focused on digital trans- formation, collections and scholarly communications, learning and engagement and staff growth and engagement. The Digitization Unit was fully overhauled with upgraded computers allowing for a number of collections to be digitized during the period representing a 44% increase in the digitization rate compared to the previous year. Increase in outputs while engaging our staff and patrons was also realized in other areas of focus for the year. The Library received a number of donations boosting our collections, and allowing us to continue providing relevant and up to date material to satisfy patrons’ needs. THE YEAR IN NUMBERS

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