Officer, RJR/Gleaner Communications Group, brought greetings, and the keynote address was delivered by Professor Rupert Lewis, after which the official launch of the collection was marked by highlighting the unique content and research value of the collection. Serials, Databases, Database Trials Three (3) journal titles were cancelled during the period resulting in savings of US$5,363.23. At the request of the Dean, (Faculty of Humanities & Education), one title ( Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages ) was reinstated on the Main Library’s account from EBSCO, and back issues have also been requested. The EBSCO jour- nal subscriptions for the Main and Medical Libraries are now in online format.
Print serial issues/volumes added to the collection during the period
923 1,734 Work continued on sorting of the IMF journals with eight hundred and thirty two (832) items being discarded during the period under review. 333 14 35 421 8 Two new databases were added to the Library’s collection namely HeinOnline – a database providing multidisciplinary journals, as well as government docu- ments and case law, and CAIRN.info on the recommendation of the Law Library. Subscriptions for both are paid by the Faculty of Law, Mona. Open Access Books As part of a strategic focus to create more responsive collections during the year, 50 open access titles from major academic publishers were added to the Library’s collection. In addition a targeted harvesting of Open Access resources resulted in 31 new titles from Cambridge University Press, and 105 from Taylor and Francis, and these were selected and uploaded to UWILinc. The books covered a broad spectrum of academic disciplines including criminal law, human rights law, climate change, social media, psychiatry & mental health, nuclear weapons and sociology.
Collection Management
Preservation and Conservation Staff of the Preservation and Conservation Unit assisted in addressing a num- ber of key issues affecting other Sections of the Library including the temporary relocation of the Microfilm Collection, and assisting in the Digitization Unit as well as RESU, which has resulted in a decline in the expected productivity of the
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